Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

6 . DireEtions for getting and 'keeping hIRECTI02d II. 2. Make a full a Dijcovery as you can, how much of the trouble ofyour mind dotla arbrefrom your Melancholy, and bodily di f lempers, and how much from dfcoja- tentingaffiElions inyorgr wordly Ejlate, or Frierrds, or Name, And according to your Difcor--Ferjr make uf of the medy. IPut thefe two Caufes of troublehere together in the beginning becaufe I will pretend; difmifs them, arid apply the refit ofthefe Directions only to thofe Troublesthat are railed from :fins and wants in Grace. 1. For Melancholy , I have by long experience found it to have fo great and commona hand in the fearsand troublesofmind, that I meet not withone ofmany that live ingreat Troubles and fears for any long time together but Melancholy is the main fearofthem : though they feel nothing in their bo- dy, but all in their Mind. I would have fuch per ions