Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

i L lJireEtionsforgetting and keeping your body, or men wrong you inyour fate or name ( a finall hurt if it go no further; ) and therefore youwill afflia your foul ! But a fadder thing yet is it to confider of, that men fearing God fhould fo highly value the things ofthe world. They who in their Covenants with Chrift,are engaged to renounce the world, the flefh and the devil ! They that have taken God in Chrift for their Portion, for their All ! and have refgned themfelves andall chat they have toChrifisdifpofe ! whofe very bufinefs in this world, and their Chrittian life,confifieth fo much in refifting this devil, mortifying the fleth, and overcoming the world : and it is Gods bufinefs in his inward works of Grace , and his outward teachings, and fharp af- flictions, and examples ofothers,to convince them of the vanity and vexationofthe world, and throughly to wean them from it : And yet that it }thould be fo high in their eftimation, and fit fo dpfe to their hearts, that they cannot bear the lofs of it without fuch difcontent, ifquiet and diftrac`tion of mind Yea though whe'all is gone, they have their God left them, t have their Ora fill, whom they took for th rTreafure, they have opportunities for their foul have the fire promife of Glory, yeaand a promife, that All things fhall work together for their ;good yea and for that one thing that is taken f'óm them, they have yet an hundred out- war ' Mercies remaining ; that yet even Belie- ver thould have fo much unbelief ! and have their Faith to feek when they thould ufe it and live by k ! and that God thould Teem fo finall in their eyes as not to fatisfieor quiet them, unlefs they have theworld withhim and that the world thould 'till feern