Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

Spiritual Peace and Comfort. i3 feem fo Amiable, when God bath done fo much to bring it into contempt !Truly this (and more) (hews that the work of Mortification is very imperfe& in profëffors, and that we bend not the force of our daily flrivings and endeavours that way. If Chriflians did bellow but as much time and pains, in Mortifying the flefh, andgetting down the Interefl of it in the foul, that Chrifls Intereft may beadvanced, as they do aboutControverfies, external duties, formalities, tasks ofdevotion, and felf-tormenting fears, Owhat excellent Chriflians fhould we then be ! and how happily would moll of our difquiet be removed Alas if we are fo unfit to part with one outward comfort now, upon the difpofal ofour fathers pro vidence, how thould we for-fake all for Chrift ? or what fhall we do at death when all muft be parted with ? As ever therefore you would live in true ChrifiianPeace, fet more by Chrift, and lefs by the world, and all things in it . and hold all that you poffefs, fo loofely, that it ma not be grievous to'you when youmull leave them. So much for the Troubles that arife from yourBody andoutward (late : All the ref{ fhall be diretled for the Curing of thofe Troubles that arife immediativ from more Spiritual Caufes, DI'a.E¢