Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

Spiritual Peace and Comfort. 15 withhis Power. As it is Blafphemy to limit hisPow- er, fo it is to limit his Goodnefs. The advantages that your foul will get by this right knowledge and eftirnation ofGods Goodnefs, will be there : I This will make God appear more Amiable in your eyes ; and then youwill Lovehim more readi- ly andabundantly. And Love, i .Iseffeauallycon- fo rtory in the very working ., So much Love, ufu- al=' fo much Comfort (I mean this Love of Corn- pi:ncy ; for a Love ofDefire theremay be without comfört.) 2.I t will breed perfwafions ofGods Love toyou again,and fo Comfort. 3 . It will be anunque- ftionable evidenceoftrue Grace, and fo Comfort. The Affections follow the Underf}andings con- ceptions.. If you think ofGod as one that is glad ofall advantages againt you, and delighteth in his Creatures mifery, it is impoffible you fhould Love him. TheLove ofour felves is fo deeply rooted in nature, that we cannot lay it by, nor love any thing that is Abfolutely anddirectly againft us We conceiveof the Devil as an abfolute Enemy to God andman, and one that feeks our deuIruction, and therefore wecannot Love him : And the great Caufe why troubled fouls do Love God no more, is be-. caufe they reprefent him to themfelves inan uglyodi- ous fhape : To think of God as one that feeks and delighteth in mans ruin, is tomake him as the devil and then what wonderif inffead of loving him, and Delightingin him, you tremble at the thoughts of him, and fly fromhim! As I have of fekvedChildren, whentheyhave feen the Devil painted on a. wall, inan ugly fhape , they have partly feared , and partly hated it Ifyou do foby God in your fancy,