Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

Diva :lions for getting and keeping I)IRECTIozv II® 3 , Defure thatyoufirfi lay found apprehend fions of (7ccls nature in your under- flanding,.and lay them deeply, ins is the fire Article of your Creed, and the 1. fire part of Life' Eternal , to knowGod ! His fubi}ance is quite paft humane und handing ; there- forenever make anyattempt toreach the knowledge ofit, or to have any pofitve conceivings ofit, for they will be all but Idols, or fálfe conceptions : but his Attributes are tnanifefied t6©ur underf}andings. Well, confider, that even underthe terrible Law, when God proclaims to Mofes his own Name, and therein his Nature Exod. 3 4. 6,7. the firft and (,reatefl part is, The LordGod, Merciful and Graci- ous, long,fufering , and abundant in Goodnefs and Truth, keeping mercyfor thoufands, forgiving iniqui- ty, tranfgrefsion andfin. And he bath fworn that he path no pleafure in the death ofa fanner, but rather that he return and live. Think not therefore of Gods MercifulneI,with diminifhing,extenuating thoughts, nor limit it by the bounds ofour frail underflandings; For the heavens are notf) far above the earth, as his thoughts and ways are above ours. Still remember that you mull laveno low thoughts of Gods Good- nefs 5 but apprehend i. as bearing proportion with