Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

Spiritual Peace and Comfort. 25 refufing his help ? How tenderly did Chrifl deal with all forts of{inners ? He profeffed that he came not in- to the zverld to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be Paved. Did he weep over a rejected unbelievingpeople, and was he defirous of their defolation? Bow oft would hehavegathered them its a Ben gathereth her Chickens under her wings (mark, that he would have done this for them that he call: off) and theywould not ? When his Difciples would have had fire come down from Beaven to confume thofe that refuted him, he reproves them, and tels them, They knew not of what fpirit they were of (the common cafe of them that mifcarry , by fùfering their zeal toover-run their Chrifrian Wif- do.m and meeknefs.) Yea he prayeth for his cruci- fiers,and that on the Crofs, not forgetting them in the heat ofhis fufferings : Thus he dothby the wick- ed: but to thofe that follow him, his tendernefs is un- fpeakable, as you wouldhave faid your felf, if you hadbut flood by and Peen him wafhing his Difciples feet,& wiping them;or bidding Thomas put his finger into his fide,and be notfaithlefs,but believing, Alas,that the Lord Jefus íhould come from Heaven to earth, fromGlory intohumane flefh, and pafs through a life of mifery to a Crofs, and from the Crofs to the grave, to manifefl openly to the world the abun- danceofhisLove, and the tendernefs of his heart to fanners and that after all this we fhould fufpett himofcruelty or hard heartednefs and unwilling nefs to íhewmercy, and that the devil can fo far de- lude us, as tomake us think of the Lamb ofGod, as if he were a Tyger or devourer ! But I will fay no more of this, becaufe Dr. Sibbs in