Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

26 DireEiions forgetting and keeping in his Brasifed`Reedhath faid fo mach already : Only Remember, that if you would methodically proceed to the attaining of folid Comfort, this is the next (lone that muff be laid ; You muff be deeply poffef- fedwith apprehenfionsofthe moff Gracious Nature and Office of theRedeemer, and the exceeding tenor dernefs ofhis heart to loft fanners. DIRECTION V. S.Thea next ÏÏep in right order. toCome fort is this : You mull believe and con- fider the fullJuf ficiency of Chrifts Sacri- fice and Aanfomfor Alla He Controverfies about this you need not be troubled at : for as alma all confefs this fu ìci- ency, fo the Scripture it fell, by the plainnefs and fulnefs ofits expreflion, makes it as clear as the light, that Chrifl diedfor All. The faller proofof this I havegiven you in publike, and íhall do yet more publikely, ifGodwill. ifSatanwouldpefwade you either that no Ranfom or SacriHce was ever given for you, or that therefore youhave no Redeemer to trait in, and no Saviour tobelieve in, and no San&u- ary to fly to from the wrath of God ; he mutt firfl prove youeither tobeno loft firmer, or to be a. final im-