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Spiritual 'Peace and Comfort. 41 an offered Chrif$. Remember this well ; that you may make ufeof it, when you are in doubt of the, truth of your Faith. Thoufands of poor fouls have been in the dark , and unable to fee them- felves to be Believers, meerly for want of knowing what faving faith is. The Papifls place almoll all in the meer Affent of the Underflanding. Some ofour Reformers made it tobe either an Affurance of the pardonofour own fins ; or a strong perfwa- fion of their pardon, excludingdoubting; or ( the moderateft) a perfwalion of our particular pardon, though mixt with force doubting : The Antinomians firike in with them, and fay the fame : Hence force Divines conclude that Juftification and Retnifiion go before faith, becaufe the Ad doth alway fuppofe its object : For they thought that Reiniffion already pall, was the object of Juftifying Faith : fuppof ing faith to be nothing elfe but a Beliefthat we are pardoned : Yea ordinarily it bath been taught in the writings of our greateft refuters of the Papifts, That this Belief is properly a Divine faith, or the Belief of a Divine Teflimony, as is the Believing of any Propofition written in the Scripture (a foul error,which I have confuted inmy bookofReft, Part 3. Chap.7.) Moft oflate have come nearer the truth, and affirmed Juftifying Faith to confift in Affiance, or Recumbency , or Refting onChrift for falvation. No doubt this is one Adof Juflifying Faith but not that which a poor troubled foul fhould firfl: fearchafter and try it felf by(except by Affiance any fnould mean as Amefiur doth, E1eL ion of Chrift and then it is the fame Ad which I am aíferting : but