Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

41 Virec1ions forgetting andkeeping but very unfitly exprefl. ) For I. Affiance is not the Principal act , nor that wherein the very life of Juftifying Faith doth confìfl : but only an im- perate following alt and an effete of the vital act ( which is Confent , or Willing, or Accepting Chrifl offered : ) for it lieth mainly in that which we call the fenfitivepart, or the Pafsioñs of the foul. 2. It is therefore lefs contant, and fo unfitter to try by : For many a poor foul that knows it fell un- feignedly willing to have Chrifl, yet feeleth not a Reiting on him, or Trufling in him, and therefore cries out, O I cannot believe ; and think they have no faith. For Recumbency, Affiance, or Relling on Chrift, implyeth that eatingof themfelves, orcafting off their fears, or doubts, or cares, which truebe- lievers do not always find. Many a poor foul Com- plains, O I cannot refit on Chrifl ; I cannot trufl him ! who yet would have him to be their Lord and Saviour, and can eafily beconvincedof their willing- nefs. 3. Betides, Affiance is not the Adequate act of faith , fuited to the object in that fulnefs as it mutt be Received : but Willingnefs, or Acceptance is, Chrifl is Reflect on only for our felves as our De- liverer : but he is Accepted alfofor hinmfelf as our Lord and Matter. The full proof of thefe, I have performed inother Writtings, and ofc in your hear- ing in publike, and therefore omit them now. Be fore. then to fix this truth deep in your mind. That' Juflifying Faith is not an Affuranceofour Juflificati- on, nonor a perfwafion or belief that we are Juftified, or pardoned, or that Chrifl died more for us then for others; nor yet is Affiance or Relling on Chrifl the