Baxter - BT785 B39 1657

44 JlreEtionsforgetting and keeping folutíon toobey areall contained, or needy implyed, as I have elfwhei e manifeíled ; fo that the Heart of Paving faith, is this Acceptance ofChrift, or Willing- nefs tohave him toJnftifie, Sanc`lifie, Guideand Go. vern you. Findebut this Willingnefs, and you find all thereft, whether you exprefly fee them ornot. Somuch for that Direction. DIRECTION IX. 9. Having thus far proceeded, in di. fcovering and improving the Ge- neral Grounds of Comfort, and then in dilcovering the Nature ofFaith, which gives you Right to the fpecial Mercies of the Cove- nant,following it; Your next work muff be To perform this Condition by i atlual elieving. Ourfoul {}ands in extream need of a Saviour I God offereth you aSaviour in the G then haveyou next to do, but Accept h ? 1 Believe that this offer is general and therefore to you and that Chrill is not .fet to fate, nor doth God re- quire you to bring a Price inyour hand > but only. heartily