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Spiritual Peace and Comfort. 43 thevital, principal, certain confiant full act ; but it is theLlnderfiandings beliefof the truth of the Go-. fpel, and the Wills Acceptance of Chrift and Life offered to us therein ; which Acceptance is, but the hearty Confent or Willingnefs that he be voues and you his. This is the Faith whichtnufl: Jufcifîeand fave you. übje . But 1. May not wicked men beWilling tohave 'Chriíi ? 2. And do not you oft tell us that Jufcifying faithcomprehended] Love to thrift and Thankfulnefs, and that it receiveth him as a Lord to be obeyed, as well as a Deliverer ? and that Repen- tanceand fincere Obedience,are parts of the Conditi- onof the new Covenant ? Anfw. I will give as brief a touch now on thefe as may be becaufe I have handled them in fitter places. i . Wicked men are willing tohave Remi fion , JuPcification and freedom from hell ( for no man can be willing tobeunpardoned,or tobe damn- ed ; ) But they are not willing to have Chrifchimfelf in that natureandoffice which he mutt be Accepted ; that is, As an holy Had and Husband to fave them 6oìh jr m the Guilt, andPower, andall defilement mid abode offin, and to Rule them by his Law, and Guide them by his Spirit, and to malle them happy bybringing them -to God, that being without fin, they may be per- fealyPleafing and Amiable in his fight, and enjoy him, forever. Thus is Chrifc offered, and thus to be ac- ceptedofall that will be faved ; and thus no wicked man will accept him (but when he ceafeth to be wicked.) 2. (Tocut all the rei'c fhort in a word, I fay That) in this foré-defer ibed Willingnefs or Acceptance, Repentance, Love, Thankfulnefs, Refo- folution