Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

and perpetual/ (juide. · the place and companie, and never pleafed, untill ,they .bring them back againe unto talkeofworldlymatters and prophane difcourfes. - I If this yet will not ferve the turne, but that rhe 4 Word gets within a man · and workes upoa his He labours to · • - ' • • . . keepe tbc:m lmderfl:andmg; fo that by h1s dthgent heanngof from pra8:iit, meditation, and conference, he furniilies him- ~ngwhat they felfe with competent knowledge in the Booke of · now. _God, and Divine Truth: why then, Sathan cafis · about another way ; which is, to make him to content himfelfe with a bare fruitleffe know– ledge, without pra6l:ifing the power of it in his life andaB:ions; to reft contented with anabilitie , .to talke and difcourfeonelyupon points ofReli– gion, and places of Scripture, wtthout inward fand:ification, and fubduing the will and aifed:i– ons to new obedience, and lincere exercife of ·Chrifl:ianit~e. So that, for all his knowledge, he neither meddles with Converfion) nor mends in , his Converfation. I - He labours here, firfi, tohinder his Converfi– on, by planting in his heart a prejudice and difconceit againft, - i Preaching the Law. _ He would hin.. der their con– vcrfion fundry ~ Difiinguiiliing feverall efl:ates of unre– generate men , Math. I 3. the three Reprobate Grounds. ~ 3 The differencing the Children ofGod>and the Children of the Devill, by fpeciall markes and notes, Math.). Pfal. I 5. &c. · waye1. 4 Preffing the Do6trine of Chrill:, ofprelfing - in at the flrait Gate, Luke 13~ 24. &4• 28. And (g 4) gatbe-