Bolton - Houston-Packer Collection BV824 .B65 1634

See raw, pag. 173• C{' U9 • 1, I Bread,pag. 1 oo. 5 He would have them reft in a ; partiall refor. mation,and ·fupedidall ,conv_e~:lion~ . Severalt un· fotand ~:;hangcs. - !n thefe cafes, Truth islhe trueft Touch– ·ftone, to diffe– rence convert from :~11 flares of Lmregene~arion. See G..o;Jg,_e,p. 130. ~he ~ttints jiJre ga-thering from Scripture thofc which !ball be fa-:..· ved, into a fhort fi1mme. ' -5, And by triaking him make G o D all of Mercie. ' And- mending inhis C0nverfation,by motive$ unto prefitrnption. - If this will not prevailc, but that a man endea– vours·to'draw his knowledge into pra6tife,, and fettles himfelfe with care and confcience to re– forme his former wayes ahd courfes of iniquitie·: – why then S£tthan plots and pra6tifeth,with alJ the cunningand policie he bath, to make him reil: in a·llight;fuperficiall>and partiall reformation; to content himfelfe with an ·unfound:-or unfaving converfion. For,by the w-ay,I muft tel l you;rberc m-ay be ma-ny converfions, changes, ~nd ·alterati– ons in·a man,fromworfe to-better;and yet he not · truly fanctified, not become anew creature, nor pofkffcd of the fiate ofgtace, and glorious corn- . forts of true Chrifiians. · · _ I'· He may be cha·nged, from a notorious fin– ner,to a civil1 honefi: man: whereas he ha rh beene before furious, and defperatc in lewd courfes, hee maygrow more fober and moderate in his carri– age ': And· yet, for all this", Gontimle in 11is ig– noranee , and·a meere {hanger tO' the wayes of godlineffe. 2 ' From civill hondlie, he may pafi:e on, to a formall Chriflianitie, and become an omward Profeff<Jr; and outwardly dbe,,an<:l performe reli– gious fervices: and yet lye in his finnes,andwant the -power of.inv1-ard fanfrification.: 3 _Yet :'..