Boston - BT700 B7 1769

Jiow ft!an's Nature ~~WJ.s &orruptul~- was promifed to hjm and his pofierity upon condition of his, that is, Adam' s pe.rfeet 'cibedience, as the reprefentative far all mankind : whereas, if .there ha.d beeo no covenall~ tliey coula net··hlive-- pleaded et~rnal life, upon th~ir moll perfeCt obe(:Uerr€e; ' but might have been, after all, reduced- to nothing ; notwit.hfianding, by na.tu~al jufl:i,ce, .they would . have ·· been liable to God's eternal wrath, in cafe .of fin. \.Vho •'in tnat,cafe, would not have confeoted.til 1 t,hat fe)"fe-; fentation? (2.)..Adam had a l'ower to ~and given him;. lie- . ir~g madeupright. He was as capable to -, fiaod for hin1fdf, and;aiJ his pollerity;asany afte~· hiin co.mld'be f-or themfelves. Y.f.his trial of mankind , in"theif he.a.d, would foon have been ()ver, and the crown au._.,hap Jle ,fiood; wh.-e- : as, h:~o his pofrerity been independe-nt O"o ·hini';h mc.tevery one left to ;H~l for hitt1felf, 'the triabvould ,h'av6 been ~ontinually a carrying on, as•men-. came into:,~he worfd: . G!;.). He had natur·al afftalons the ·ftrongeit to engage him, . be.- . · ing our comm t:m,· fat fier~ {4·) His o~vn fiock was in .t.he . lhip, his ali hy at fiak~ -as well as ours. He had no fepa• rate inte refr from ours; bpt if he forgot ours, he behoved . to:·hav·t;:< forgot his own. · (5·') If'he }:ad fiood, we lliould 1 have had the light ·of his mind, the rigbteoufnefs o.f -his. : will, and holinefs of his affeCtions, with ~.ntir? purity t ranf- 1 mined unto t1'.:l; we coul,d Q.ot have·falle n:; the Clown of- . pJory, by his oheqience, would·have b'een for ever' fecure (\~ to him and his. This is- -evident from lhe nature of a fc~ deral reprefentation '; and no reafon c~n be give;1 why, . feeing w~ are loll by Ada7ll's fin, we {hould hot have been . faved by hisobedience. On the other ha-nd, it is.reafonah!e that he falling, we ihould with him bear the lofs. Laflly, Such as qparrel t-his difpenfation, muft renounce their part. in ehrift, for ·we no otherwife made finners by Adar;;) ,– ~ban we are made righteous by Chrilt; from whor"n weha,ve ' both impu-ted and inherent 'righteoufnds. \:Ve no more . made choice ofthe fecond Adam· for our he~d and rep-rc– feotative in the· fecon·d coovcnant; than-·we)did ·of the fi t Cc , .fidam in the ·firfi covenant. · Let none wonder that fuch an hmrible cha-nge could hc.– br.ought. on by the fin of our fidt parent's, fortbereb1, their tu rned away fi·onrGo'd, as their chief end, which neceffas i!y.' in.fe.r.~ an univetfcd depravation. Their fin ~as a~ompli.,(:~ .. 1-F '3 · ti o ft' •