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~o l lo""JJ .i"'JI!an's .lVature I'[}Jas terr-uptttl. State H;' t_ion ofe.vils, a tptal apofiafy from God, a violation of the : By it they broke all the ten commands at ' · (;t(ce .."" (I.) They chofe new gods. They made their belly: , thei, god, by their fenfuality; felf their god by tlu:ir ~mbition ; ye:~, and the devil their god, beli(lving him; and ,. difoelieviog their Maker. ( 2.) Tbo' they receiv<td, yet . t hey obferved not that ordinat:tce ofGod about the forbidden fr.uit. They contemned that ordinance fo plain}y enjoined them, and .would needs carve ·Out to themfelves, how to · , ferve the Lord. ( 3.) Tbey took the natne of the Lord . their God· in vain: defpifing his_ attribates, his ju!lice, truth,~ · power, &c. They grofly profaned that facramental ? tree; ·abufed his wo~i, by not giving credit to it ; a- ' ·o~. llufed that creature of his, whlch · they firould not have · touched, and -violently mifconfirued his providence, .as if i· God, by forbidding them -that tree, had been Handing in ,. , the way of their happinefs : and therefore he fuffered them not to efcape his righteoos judgment, (4 . ) 'They · rememembred not the Sabbath to keep it holy, .but put · themfelves out of condition to ferve God aright on his,own :. day. Neither. kept they that fiate of holy rdl, wherein ., God ·.had put them. (5.) They cafi off '' their relative · duties:., Eve forgets herfelf, and aCts without advice·· of · her husband, to 1 _ the ruin of_ both : Adam inllead of ad· monifuing her to repent~ yidds ·: to the temptati-on·, and con"' .. firms-her in her wickednefs. They· all duty to ' t-heir pofierity• . They, hono~-red not their ft'ather· in,hea– ven ; and therefore their· days were··not long in . the ·land ~ which the Lord their God gave them-.- (6.) They ruined ~. thernfelves, and all their pofierity.. (7.) Gave up them- ·· . felve~ to luxur.y .and .fenfualiry.. (8''.) Took .away whal ' wa·s not their own, aga.inft the exprefs will of the great ·,. Owner. (9.) They bor-e faHe witnefs, - a~d lied agaio!l' ~ the Lord, before ~ngels,. devils·, and one another ; in cff.:&· ·: ' ~iying ·ou:t that they were hardly dealt byj .and that heaven _ ~r,udged their ,happinefs f ( roJ They were difcontent with their lot, ' and coveted an evil co vetoufoefs to their ' houfe ; wbich ruined both ·them and theirs. Thus was ·· th~ ima.;e.. Qf.God defaced ·au at onc;e.... . T.'lt '·. • )-.•> ~--·