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Head I. Men1 otJerlooking the Sin :.~( .l'tatur!. 97 • A let out the corruption, the lance gets fu ll depth Jn tb~r fquls, · reaching to the root of fin, Ram. vii. 7, 9: The jle.Jh, or .corrupt~on of nature is i'ierced, being c~udfi~d, as well as the ajfeaiott! and lujh, Gal. v . · 24. "',· ' :LJ~E. Let 'us then have a fpeci~l eye u.pont~e . corrupti?n ·1100 fin of our' Oil1Ure. God fees it : 0 that we faw it too, and that that fin were ev-er before us! \Vhat avails It to . notice'.otber fins, while this morber, ~Gn is not notited? Turn . your eyes inward to the fin of your n1ture. It is to .be fear~ · ed, many-;have this work to begin yet ; that the.y have !hut the door, while the grand thief is 'yet in the houfe undif– covered. This is a w.eighty point ; and in the haridlirig of it, ;: I. Uhall, for conv"ietion, point at fome evidenees of men~ -overlooking the Go of their nature, which yet t9e ' Lord. .-' hk'es particular notice· of. ( r.) i.\lens looking on themf.elves ' \vith fuel} con'fidence, as if theywere ii,\no haz;1rd of grofs fin:> :"" Many w~uld ,take it very hainoufly .~a get fuch a · caution, as Chrill: gave his Apoftles~ Luk<: xxi. 34• 'Takl!' l:eed of furftitin,r; and drun~ennefs · If -any would fup~ pofl:! them to bteak .out in grofs abqnlinations, they would be ready to fay, Am I a dog? 'lt Nould raife the pride of 'U.hetr hearts, l01ut not tt-teir fear and trembling; becallf'e ' ihey kno\V not the corruption of their nature. ('2 .) Untea– .derr.efs towar.ds thofe that fall. Many in that cafe .call: offall :bowds of ChrifHari· cnmpaffion; for they d.o not confider ·ttJ.ur.ftlve.r, lefl they afjo .be tempted, GaL vi: I. Mens paf– .ficns are often h.ighdl: againfl: t be-fa\]llts of others, when fiR fleeps foundly in their own brea!ls. Even good David, . when he was at his worft, was mofl: violent againll: .the fa~ts of others. Whi!e his confcience was aileep under his .., in th~ matter of Urid; the Spirit of the Lo~d takes •noti,ce, that bis.anger wasgreatly lli-izdled againfl_,,f:he ma.1t, ·ir1 the. parable, , 2Sam. xii. 5. And on good grott:>ds, it is ~bought, it was at the fame time that he treated the Am~ :mMites fo cruelly, - as is related, fer; 3r. Putting ihent under fo"'JJ!, and under harr<JWJ if iron, and under axe; qf iron, and therll· pa_/1 through the brid ki/;;.. ~race DJak~:!~ men zealous ·agaiotl: fin in other1>, as well ~s in themfelves: but eye$ turned inward to the c.orrupti-: ·On ofnatu,e, dothe them with pity and compailion; and fill .them with tha.nkfulnefs to the Lord, tha~ .tl1ey theiufdv.e;s · 1 wer~