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9 8 JJ!em Ot'erloo.~ing the}in of JVature~ State n: were not the perfons left to be fuch fpeCl:acles of human · fr :\ilty. ( 3 ) T, are not a fc:: wwho, if they be kept fromaffi !ctions in worldly t~ings, al)d from .grofs outbreak– ings i'n their converfatiort, . know no.t what it is .tQ have a fad heart. If they meet with a, ·crqfs, which rheir p~oud hearts . cannot Hoop' io bear, t_hey will be r~ad y to fay, o to be ·gone: but the corrliption of their nature never. fDakes them long for heaven . .LuHs fcandaloufly breaking out ar a time~ will mar their pea.ce: but the fin.of their nature never makes them a heavy. heart. ( 4}Delaying of repentance, io h9pes to fet about it afterwar-ds . ~any have their own appointed time for repentance ·and _reform;ttion : as !f they were fuch com p lete~ mafters over their l~fts, that..they caQ all ow them to gather firength, and yet overcome .them. They take up;: rtfo lmions. to ' amend, ,without an eye to .Je(us Ghrift . .union.,him and firength from him ;:_ if. plain · e– v1 denc.e.t !1ey are Hrangers to tbemfel ves : ·and fo they ar~ left to themfelves, ~nd their flourifhing refolutions wither; for as they fee not the n~ce ffit y, fo th~ey get not the begeiit of the dew from be :J.ven toW-'\t ~r them. ( 5.) .Men's veritur.· · ing frankly on tempt~tions, ·and promifing liberally on tberr own .head~. Taey call: thern felv;es (e<trlefly into temptati– on, in confidence of their coming .off fairly: but were they fenfible of the corruptioR of thejr nature~ \ they would'' be .. ware of entering on the devif's g1'ouod : ·~s one .girt aqout with 9f gun· powder, V{Ould ·be,.;:lotb' to walk wb~re . fparks are flying, lefi he lhould be b}.oW;n up. '$elf je'!loufing well becpmes Chriflians• . Lord i.r ii I?. rhey that know the deceit of their bow, will not be yery confid.ent that they fhall hit the mark. (6.) Unacquaint~dnefs ~ith heart· plagues. The knowlep.g_e of the plagues of the heat t, ,is a rare qualification. !bere are in.~eed· fome of tl)em W!~tt,eO _ in fuc~ great sharaCl:erS, _tha( _he . WhO run,s !J!.ay reCJd them; but there~ are orhers tnor·e fubtile, whicb few • do difcero. llqw few .ar.e there to whom the bias o.f' the . beart to-unbeli~f, is a bu~den ? Na.y, they .perceive it .not. Many have had !harp convictions of other. fins, that were never to thi6 day ·convinced qf their unbelief; tho, that is · the fin fpecially aimed at · in a thorough convicrion, John xvi . 8, 9· He will repr~ve the world of )in ,- ,~- be– U1uf~ rbeJ believe not_c~t m:. A diffofition to eilabJjfh. our