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State U. it may be, God will do for you what you· cannot do for yourfelves. This is fufficient to determine a man," in a mat· t~'r of the utmofi: importance, fuch as this is, Af!J viii . 2 2. P ray God, if perhaps the thought! o.f thy heart may be for– g i'lJe;i thee. Joel ii. ·'4· Who knoweth if he will return · ! If fuccefs may be, the trial lhouiJ be . If, in a wPeck at fea, · all the failors and paffengers had betakcn themfelves, each to a·broken board for fafety, and one of them fhould fee aJ.l the reil perifh, notwitblt.anding of their utmofr endeav-ours· to fave themfelves ; yet the very poffibility of efcaping by that means, would determine that one, {fill to do his bef\: with his board .. Why then do not ye reafon with you'rfelves·, as the four lepers .did, who fat at the gate of San'Jarid', 2 Kings vii. 3,- 4· Why do ye not fay, ·lfwe fit fli/L, not doing what we can, we die; let us put it to a trial, if we be faved, 'Wejhal! Jive; if not~ we !hall b·ut die. (2.) h : is probable this courfe may fucce~d. God is good and mer– ciful : he loves to furpr·if-e men with his grace, a·nd is often- . found of them that fought him not, Ifa. lx.v. 1. If ye do-· thus, ye are fo far in the. road of your duty ; and ye are ufing the means, which the Lord is wo_nt to. bJefs, for;, mens fpiritual recovery : Ye lay yoarfelves in the way of the great Pbyfician ; a-nd fo it is probable ye may be heale.d . Lydia went, with others.. to the place "JJ.~'ere prap:r ®as 'Wont to be tttade ·; and t'he Lord opened her heart, Acts x-vi . 13, 14•. Ye plow and fow, tho' no·body can. tell you for certain, that ye will get fo much as your feed aga·in : ye, ufe means for the · recovery of your health, th~' _ye are not fure they will fucceed •. In thefe cafes, probabtlny de– termines you ·: and why not in this .alio? lmp~ntunity, we fee, does very much with men :. therefore pray; meditate,. defire help of God ; be much at the throne of grace, fup– plicating for grace; and do not faint. Tho' God re~ard not you, who, in your prefeot ftate, ate but one mafs of' _ fin ; un!ver.fally dep raved and vitiated- in a!1· the power>& ,.of your foul: yet he may regard his own otdinance. Tho' •he regards not your ptay.ers, your meditat.ions, &c. yet h.e may regard prayer , meditation, . and the hke means of Ius own appointment, and fo blefs them to you. ,· Vlherefore, if ye will not do what ye can ·; ' ye are not only dead, but . you declare yourfel.ves ttlf.<wonlhJ... o.f ct(rnal' life.~