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J I Head III. Conc:!zrfion cf tl•e third Head. ! 5 t To conclude, let t he faints admire th";! freedom and power o(grace, which came to them io th eir helplefs .con– dition, made their -chains fall off, the iron-gate to open to them, raifed the fallen creatures ; and b·rought them out of the rtate of fi n and wrath , wherein they would have lain and peri{Led;· had t hey not been mercifully viGted. Let the natural man be f::nfible of his utte r inabiiity to reco\·er himfelf. Know thou art without H:reng t h ; and canft no t come to Chri!l, till rhou be drawn . Thou art loft, and eanH not help thyfelf. This may !hake the founda tio n ot thy ho·pes, who never faweft thy abfolute need of Chrift and his grace ; .but thinkefl: to ih ift for thyfelf, by civility, morality, drowfy wifhes and duties; and _by a faith and repentanc·e, which have fprung out of thy natut al powers , ·without t.he power and efficacy of the grace of Chri)t. . 0 be convinced of' thy abfolute need of Chrift, and his O\'er· · coming grace ; believe thy utter inablility to recover thy– felf; and fo thou mayll be humbled, {haken out of thy felf~ confidence; and l:y down in du(i and afhes, groaning out thy mife rable cafe before the Lord. A kindly fenfe ofthy: natural impotency, the impotency of depraved human n1"' t:ure, wouldbe a fiep tow '\rds a delivery. Thus far of man~s naJu,ra/jla.t:., the !late of en.tire..cfe:- prav.ation... . · I • • J