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J 7 2 TJ)e Change /hi netli fi rt h ·s fate I H. bad relatives, they are iJ1 husbands, W i'I'CS 1 maflers 1 fer– Vants, &c. How will we prove ourfelves to be r.ew crea– tures, if we be fiiJl bot j;lla fu·cb as. we were before, in ·our fevera! relations, 2 Cor : v. 17. Th~ rifore if any m(m !Je in Chr i.fl, he if a new crealtrre: old thingJ a r e' paffed away,-.· beheld all t hhg1 are beeo-r1ze new. Real goc!Loeis will ga in , a tefiimony to a mafl, from the confcier:ces cf l'ris neare!~ . relation;>, thongh they kr.O'JJ more of his fln.fuj iuftrmities, t han others do, as we fee in that cafe, 2 KingJ iv. ~. 'l f:•· fi' 'l'ant my hzuband i:J dead, and thou ~nortt·ejlthat thy JerM vant did fiar the Lord. 3· In the way of his following his worldly bufinef~, there is a great change. 1t appears to be ·DO' more h'is all, as lom~ time it was. Though faints a-pply themfelves to worldl y butinef.'l, as well as others .; yet their hearts are not fwallow " - _ed up in it. It is evident t:hey are carryiag Ofl a ttade with l1eaven, as well as a trade ~ith earth. Philip. iii ~ 20. For our cmt•erjation is in heav.en.. And they go about their em– ployme-nt in the world as a duty laid U}"'n them by the Lord– of all; doing their lawful buGnefs, as the will of God, Epb. -,·i. 7. working, becaufe he has, 7-heu fhalt not j]UJI•. 4· They ha-ve a fp~.cial concern for the advancement of t he "kingclom of Chrilt in the world: they efpoufe the inte· refis of rdigion, and prejcr Jerufaltm ab~tJe their ' chief jqy, Pfal. (XXxvii. 6. Hovi privatel 1 y foever they live, grace makes them a public fpjrit, which wiil concern itfelf in the . ark aod »' ork of God; in the gofpel of God; and in the people of God, even thefe of them whom they never faw· in the face. A s children of God, they nattlral1y care fo r th efc thing!i. They have a new anJ unwcn ted concern for the fpir itua l godd of others. And no fooner do they talle– of th e powe r 9f grace themfelves, btlt they are· i-nclined to fet up to be agents for Chrifi and holinefs, in the wotld ;. a s ap pears in t ire cafe of the woman, 0f Sahtaria , who when Ch rifi had/ ma ;~ ifeil:ed himfelf to her, •rvent her <Way into the city ~ ar.d .fai t.6 to th f n:en, Come-, Je.e a. ma,n ru:hich to/cl , '7Jte all thing5 e1.•er I drd: JJ not t 'ht.J t he .Ghrijl? John , ' iv 28. 29 . They have feen and felt the ev.Jl of fin, and ' therefo r~ pi t'y tbe wodd lyiog in wic.kednefs ..They would , fain pluck the b:ran<ls out of the fire, remembnng that they thet]ffelves W·e·re .plucked 0 1..1t ·of it. They.' will labour tQ commend;