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Head r. i.n tht rwhole Convcrfotion. 17'3 €ommend reiigion to others, both by word aBd exampk (' ' ar.d rather deny themffelves their liberty. in indifleren~ · things, th'!n by the uncharitable ufe of it, defhoy others, 1 Ccr . .viii. ~ 3· 1-f/huifore if meat make my brother to offend, · .Lwill eat no flefh while the rw~rldflandeth, le,P l?nake my · brother to ~!fend. . 1 . . • . 5. In their ufe of lawful comforts, there IS a great change. They refl: not in them, as their end; but ufe them, as means to help them in their way. They draw their {~tisfaetion from the higher fprings, even while the lower fpnngs .are runnin ~; . Thus Hannah having obtained a fon,– joiced not fo much in the gift, as in the giver, 1 1. And Hannah prayed, and jafd, My heart rejoc~!h in the L~;rd. Yea, when the comforts of hfe are gone, they can fubflfl: with.pqt them, ·and rej1ice in the Lcrd, altho' th:J _tig · t... 'ce do not blo.ffom, Hab. iii. 17. 18. Grace teaeheth to .ufe the conveni ences of a prefent life paffin·gly; and to fhew a holy moderation in all things._ The heart, which for– merly irnmerfed itfelf in thefe things without fear, . is n·ow iliy of being ove r· much ..pleaf€d with t·hem; and being ap– prehen !ive of' danger, ufes them warily: as the dogs of E· gyp t ruo whi le they lap theii water out of th.e river fiiilr:, for fear of tbe c,.·ocodil"u that a-re . , . ... . Lafl(v, This. change H1ines forth in the man's performance of re li gio-us, duties~ He who lived in the oeglctl.:..of them, 'Nil! do fo no more, if once the grace of God entl!r into his . heart. Jf a man be new · bom, he will dljire thejincer e milk iftl·e word, r Pet. ii. 2. \\' henev:er the prayerl efs pe.rion gets t.he of grace, he will be in him a Jj?irit of jul'fJ/i– ·cation, Zech. xij. 10. h is as natural for one that is bor-n 2gain to fall a praying as for the ne-\v-born tiabe to fall a" crying, Af/J iv.. 1 1. Behq/d he prayeth . His heart will b.e a temple for God, , and his h0t:1(e a church.- His c'evoticn, which before \Vas was fu:pedkial an~d formal, .is iww fpiri tu– at and lively ; forafmuch as heart and- tongue are touch ed with a live-coal from heaven; and·he r:eHs not in the mer.e performing of duties, as c~reful only to get hi s tafk done ; but iri every -duty feeking communion with· God in Cbrii1, jufl:!y confidering them as means appointed of God for that end, and reckoning . himfelf difappointed if he mifs ·of it. Th~s far o£ the natute.of regenefation. P. 3, . The -