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. r 6 . Of M•m'J Original Righteoufneft. State r. accor.ding to tbe new covenant, by which the image of God'– is-repaired, confifls .in two things: 1. Putting the law into ' the mind·, denotit~g the knowled-ge of it: 2. \.\rriting it in tbe heaFt, denoting inclinations in the will, anfwerable to the commands 9f tbe law, lleb. viii. 10. So t9at, as the will, when we confider it as renewed by grace, is by that _grace natively inclined to the fame holinefs in all its par~s which the law requires·: fo was the will of man (when we .confider him as God made him at firfi) endued with na– tural inclinations to every thing commanded by the law. _ For if ~he regenerate are partakers of the divine nature, as-. und:oubt~dly they are; for fof'ays the fct'ipture, 2 Pet. i. 4 .. A·nd-.,if this-divine ca·n import no lefs than inclinati– ons of the heart w holinefs; then furery Adam's will coul<t not want this inclination; foF in him, th~ image of God· was perfee£. It is true, 'tis faid, Rom. ii. I' 4· 1 )· That tht: Genti/.eJ'··fo'erw the rw9rk ofthe larw written-in heart-s::. but t·his denotes only their knowl-edge, of that law, fuclr a-s, _his; , but the apoll:lct to the Hebre'V.'J·, ~n the tex,r cited,_. takes· the wor,d· heart' in another fenfe.- di1Enguiili~ng it< plainly from the mind. '- A~d ' it muR be grantedJ that'~ when· God p-11omiH:th in tne neW"-covt"nant;--r~' write hi~' /~!W fn t./;e hcartJ· of hi..r. j'Mple;. it imports· q_)lite-a~ thing than what Heathens have: for tlio' they have noti;. GnS· of ir in their minds-, yer. their he:nts g.o another w:a-y ;:. their wiil has got a.fet a11d biafs guite oontr.aty to that 1aw;.; an& thereforft, the expreffion -fuitable tu th'e prefant p~r- , pofe,.mufi needs import., befides thefe notion·s. of t-he mind?, inclinations of. tJie. will~ going along, therewith; which in~ dinarions, tho1 mixed -w.itlr eau uption in· the r-egenerate~. were pure and unmix>ed in. uprighb1dam. In a wot-d, as·. Ada'itt knew: his· Ma{ter's-· p,lhfure in-· the matteF of duty,. fo his will ftbod-inclined to what he knew. · ' · ' 'Thi.rdlj., His affeCtions, wer,e or>, pure and holy·;· which is a nece!fary par.t ~f that' upr·i·ghtneCs wher~irr rriae. was created', THe apofile has- a· petition~ 2· Thejf. .iii. s;. The ·Ll)rd direfl,unt<J-tf;'e. kve cif God; that·is,. T1Je Lordflraighfen y()u.r heart:s.:,~ or m~k-e t-hem 1-y frraigh~ to the love o£ God.~ a:nd oeir text t"ells·us, man· was thtJs· made lh:aighr. ' The. new man· i-s-created, tn righteoufnefl; t~tui true hf)/, .Eel•~f.,iv. 2-'.f.· Now. th-is. holi~fs,, as it:_