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Of Mcm's Original R.ightequfn~. 1 ~ i~ difl:inguilhed from righteoufnefs~ may import the p\nity ' and orderlinefs of the affeCtions. An~ thus the Apo!He,. 1 Tim. ii. 8. wiB i)ave men to pray, lifting up holy hand1, , 'Without '7flrath a'ltd d()ubting: becaufe, as troubled water is unfit to recet\"e the image of the fun ; fo the heart, filleil with impure and diforderly affeCtions, is not fit for divine· com~unications. Man's fenfitive appetite ~as ia~eed na· \ ~ural! y carried mtt towards objects grateful fo ·the fenfes •. .~ / For feeing man wa!l made up of body and fO\ai: and God' · made this man to gl'orify and ~njoy him~ attd for this end to ufe his good crbrtur~s in fuhordination to himfelf: it js· plain, that man was n~turaHy inclined both to fpiritual ;1 nd fenfible iood ; yet to fpiri ~ual gpod, the chief good, as. l1is ultimate eHd . . And therefore his fen:fi.tive mot:ions a.n.d i:n,linations, were fubordinate to hi~ reaJon and wil!~ which. J.ay11ra-ight wit~ the will of God, alild were not, in the leaft,. . 4tont:rary to tbe fame. Otherwi£e he ili·ould have b~en• mad·e· -up of contradietiollS; his fou.l being nstt~ra.Jl:y inclined to· God as the chief ena, i'n the ft1perior pan thereof; and the fame foul inclined to the creature as the chief end in the· infoior part the1 eo.f., a:s t:hey eaH it: .which is impoffible;. ' .for man at the fame inftan.t, camnot have two chief fnds • .Mari's. affeClions cl1'e111, in his primitive Rate, were p~;e . frotn · all dt:filement, fne from all drforder and diftemoer~ · l>ecaBfe in all their motions they we1 e d11ly fubjected to, his ,dear reafofl, amd his holy will Ne had alfo an exe • et,nive power anfweraMe to his will; a powe:u to do ·the · good~ which he knew fhcmJ.d b~ d0ne, and wbich he inclin– ed t~ .do, even to the whole law of God. If ithad not been fo, . God v: otdd nor have trequirecl. of him perf~tl: flbedieJilce; for to fay, that the Lord gaJhereth rwf.ere he bath notjlrarwed, is but the blafphemy of a wicked heaFt,. agairfft a ,good and bountiful God, Matth. x.xv. 24. 2 )· ' · From wha~ has been !aid, it may be gatbereds that the erigiJJal-Fightem::lfm:fs explained was 1.mi·verfal and natural,. yet mutable. Firfi, lt was tmi·verfaJ; both with refpe<ft to the fubjee't <~fit, tHe whole man; and the obj.eet of it, the.whole law-. Univetfal~ l ~ay, with refpe.ft to the fubj,eB: of it; fer this. · I"ignteoufnefs ,..,:as diifufed through the whole man:- it was. a·hldfed leavea th«l lt;A;ve.oe.d_ the whole lwn:p,. Ther~·