Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

92 • . - the religionofChriHfhall beblafphemed, theprofe[odof Religiontaunte~,euery one that 4direth to bee a ChriHian, · Chall haue this laide in his dHh, and the name of God, and– the fpirit ofG,od fhall not efcape without- fome blot ofre• ., proach. Ho (fay they) thefe bee yourprofeifo'rs, thcfe bee yom· holy men, that bee fo full ofthe fpirit, thefe bee they that will be the holy Sairits ofGod, thefe be thei that runne to Sermons and carrieBibles, thefe be the fruits oftheir pro. feffion,you may fee what godlymen they be: I warrant you, they bee all alike, you may fee by onewhanhe refl bee. _ Thus wee fee, what a great llaine religion hath among men, by the falles ofthofe that llaine the holy profeffion with an vnholyconu~rfation: profeqlng godlineife in word, but in deedcdenying rbe power 'thereof. Thefe fill wicked mens n1outhes full of Oaunder, and giue their malicious hearts matter to fet themfclues a worke agai1.1H the ~ofpell, and godlymen. - - . · And this was the finne of Ophni, and PhinetU : they lhould (as the Lords Priefis) haue giuen fuch good exhor.. tations, and haue fhewed fuch grace in their behauiour, as that all men n1ight haue delighted to come into the place of Gods worfhip,and to ferue him according to the Law: but they were fo wicked~nd vngodly, and fo full offilthineffe, that the feruice <=>fGod,by their meanes was hated, and be.. came odious to thepeoplc. -Y[e x. Sith then, thig is fuch an high taking of Gods name it1 vaine to be brambl~s in Gods vineyard,and tares among his wheate,this confuteth thofe, that thinke ifthey can keepe their tongues from fwearing and forfw~aring, then they bee free from the breach ofthis Commandement~ Ifno·man charge them with an oath, or periury, they thinke they need not repent for takingGods name in vaine. Not fo. But let them kn@w, that by an ill life, by -walking and conuerGng after a fin full mann~r, they may prophane Gods name . more, hurtrdigionmore, and. ~bring more !griefe vnto the hearts; and flumevntb the faces of profdfors, than fome · ether by a thoufand ralb oathes; yea; by gro£fe and cpe.n periury. It is as great afault, to·abufe the religion of God . . ~