Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

The thirdCommaf!dement. ·,93 inlifer as the.titles:, or attributes of God in fpe~ch. And tHerefore, vnle.£fe thofe that are~alled ChtHHans, .labot1r to ·beChrit.lians,,that their workes bee futable .to their words; ·and they fbewforth the venues of.Chrift, as well as take vp- .on them th.enameofChritl; vn!e£fe they be carefull eo frame ~-. their Hues according ro the line of Gods Word, and fo to ~~ft~:r~~ orderall their carriagr, that the fruit that thewes it felfe ill table to , their life, be agreeable to the, that is daily fowne in our words. their hrarts;they are as groffeprofan_ers ofche name ofGod, . ·and as liable to the curfeanrl vengeance of God, as hee that ·· ·fwear-eth many.a vaine and idleoath. · Secendly, this ferues to inflrutt all men, that wouldrbee " called ChrifHans., and accounted .the fonnes ofGod, to liue fo, as that they may bring feme glory to God by their liues-. And Saint Pa.u/bids the bond~ feruants,I .Tim11th.6. I. coHnt their t}Uaifftrs worthie all honour, that the n~mtofGod -And hi,·d.oflrin~ m4J 11ot he_i/lfPokjnqf. ·Speaking to fuch as were feruar.1cs to ynbeleeuingMallers, hce bid~ them giue them · honor and retlerence, ·not for any religion or goodnes, that could be feene in thetn (for theywere Infide~s) but for con... {cieccfake toGods ordinance,whofeplace their Maflers did fupply .:·and that, bccaufe if they di<J ,not fo, all the fault fhould bee laid.e:vpc;>n the name ofGod. But howdoth hee ·proue that Gods·name fhould ·be euil1 fpoken of? Beeau fe . . his doCtrine !hould be ~uill fpoken of. So that, where euer Go~~ the GofpeJl is: flaundered,~hereGodhimfelfe, and hisname ~;:~·rjy1!r0 .. is difbonoured. Cont·rariwife, nothing can glorifie God rifiedby ..mort: in all this world, then, when thofe that will ,belong ~~~~~!ta:at:ldapp.ertaine vnto him, fuewwhat houihold they bee of, cl? ofChri· by their workes. And hee that willli>e cfieemed the fonne of~':m~. God, muf1 doe more good workes., than one that is ondy the fonne ofri/{aam. This will Hoppe the mouthes of wic- 1.Per.2.1S· _ked men, and ;nu~eU them vp, that they lhall not haue a -word to barkeout againit G;hriflia·ns .and Cbrillianitie.Yea, this.\<vill beget a.goodHking in theh:hearts,ofthat word and religion, which workes fo goode_ffeets in the liues ·of them that ~old it. As in ~he _ familie, let thechildren bee good, temperate and modeit., and-hehaue themfelues gendy, and · G ~ humhly