Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

Thethirdc,mmanaement. . , 103 . -on·e frets,andJpeakes .grudgingJy againfl G.ods ·worke,vndcrthe name offortune,and chaun,e: Ohwhat illluck was . tha~?what misfortune? For either one n1uil fay-that things . come to palfebychaunce, hap as hap may-, without a~ydi(.a pofingofCod (and fo he chargeth God to be too carcleffe a gouernour,. that lets things run ~t random, .without coun--! .fell -and a,duice)or ifhe fay) that _God gpuernes all thihgs, . and rules in the world,andappoints what _thi-tags, a·nd how ,,. - they fl1all come to paffe; then hce chafes and murmurs a. gairi!l Gods g.ouernment, vnder the name of fortune: and · fpeaking ill oflucke, hee fpcakes ill of Gods wife.domeand · prouidence. So liktwife, inap.plying·an}'- ofGods proper– ties_ todefe-fl:<leuill(as thecornmon c'u£lome ofmoH men is, . todifpife all admonition, and to -embolden themfelues to·. all excefle ofrjotin regard·ofGpds good nes.) Oh, fay they»·. God is merdfull,andChrill died for our Gones. True: God is mercifull ~ .b..ut to whom? -to. the"penitent; .and ·· humble -perfoo that hatetbhis finne;a-nd .fiiJdietb eo forgoe it: but he ~ti~t'·t9 · is no~mercifuli td thof~ thadouetheir finne~andlike i:c, and. 1 s·: '· that hauea. rOQt~ ofbittemes in them, and make Gods merdean incouragement tO· theirfinne;and DOt to allure=thetn to repentance, butmake·his loue andkindnes . a prote6H.on to their lcwdnes,to fuch,he~ will Chewnomerde,b.ut his wrathJhall burne agamfi th~m to the bottomeof ·.:hell. So that,in·fpeakingof.Gods attributes,fpeake ofthem . with·reuerence,and to -that good vfe,for which God hath.rc- .. uealed them. . . ,'lirSo.laHI~>-Gods name is_taken. in vai·ne, infpeaking:vnrc- Tofpeake . 1 fh' k · h h fc h' d vnreue. uerent y~o tswor es: en ert o e ts a mirabfe a61ions-temlyof · within himfelfe, as .elcction,andreprobarion .. .Whettvaine~Go~~- . b h . . 1. . , d lh 11 · WOrJU;S,tS &··, man y. ts · wca~e capactue, an a ow conceit, cannot t~kin~ of reach to-the depth of his wifedome, what mooues him to ~~sn~mc h r d fi fc h h . h b. rr fiB vam.~.: G u1e one,an -tore u e anot er; t en 10 t ~ ttterneue o · hi~ hearc_.he opencth his mouth againH his iu(Uce :-whereas he lhotild rather) with filence and-reucreAce, wonder-at this -– bidden fecret. As Paul,Rom.x 1.3-j ·-did,hauingfpoken fpa~ . r.i-nglyoficJhe breakes out in, admirat-ion,and Jo conclude$,: .. 0 the:deepne.s ofthi riches of the wift/.9me.:&c•.So,for the out..:. . wa-rd:_t