Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

;_x.o4 V • Thtihird:comm~nrlement. · - - .war-d"workesofcread~,3~rt4 'ofredemption,and·tbepaffion ~ ofChrifi~whtn -on&anipeaYe fo~ lightly,andwitho·ut·all vfe of thefe greai 'hings-, that {hould ·make him feare before .G(i)d, and increafe re.uerence toward .his MaieHy, andhatred offit;llle. . . . . . . "taki 11 g . - Tbus much.for taking; G~ds nam~ ih vaine, by fpeech GoDs .without anoat~. Now fol'loweththar taking ofhii name- in name in • , h. h . h h . v aincby ·vame,w lC _ is ,wit anoat. ~ t~ ·· an oath, And this is three waies: by fwearing either yainely, or _ ·wickedly, or falfely. _ , Sweating - Vaine fwearingis, when in common and ordinarie talke, · vainely. me~mingle their (pee~h'es; ;and ~fill vp their fentences with peedldfe03thes: which, though-they account as afmall fiti, yet, it is a moll notorious d'tfnonourtof God, and procee'ds fro the diuel-l,~e is the father ofit~As ChriA faith,Afat.s .Let youryea, !Je yea, andyour nay,nay: for wh'tufoeuer umFJre,comes fron'J -the eRillone,that is_ thediueH.So that theroote of-it is ex·- . ceedihg .el~U,.and :tl1e fr~H ~fit i-s ~u~n a,s badj·as ~aint _11me1 · '- lheweth, z~t t :Swellren«?t,·fatthhe;m)' 6rethren,netther'6y hea.. ue11.,nor earth.noranyotheroiJth:/;.ut letyouryea !PeJea,andjiur tJ4J, nay, left JOH fa!JifJtfJ .' condemnation. It is ·then man~feH, that ·the Diuel is theau.thorofvaine oathes,damnation is the end and fruiceofxaineoathes_, and he:chat i~ Willing to bee 'ledby fuch a guide;and 'come to fuch ane.nd,he ,m-ay take his Hbertie to may;fay, I doe not fweate great .oathes, as by God, an_d by .the members and fufi.rings of Chrill, but petty and fmall oathes,as by my faith and troth, by this bread,fire,Hght, &c. But'ChrHl anfwereth fo-r-rhis, .that wee mull not fweare, neither by the Tetnple;,northe gold,nor hea.uer.J,nor earth,no, not fo much a'sbyour head, becau(e God is the Author and maker of all things. ' And there appeareth fuchwifedome and power ofGod, ir;1 the :fimplefi 'ofhis creatures, as ought to make vs to feare &_ r~uerence-hitn in them. So ~hat,whether theybegreat oat~~~); ' I 9!:' le!feroathes,iftheybe idleoarhes, GodsWordha:th -~'?ltl-• '. demned them, :md they· ~all (without repentance) bring damnation. Yea, bucIfweare that which is true, it is not-a lie.Be it fo :yet qod hath not boundyou only, not _to take vp _