Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

. · · 7'he Prtfoct. ·· 3' f1Jre in tllis firll regard they muH bee exccedii1gly reueren-· ced beca~fe Gods ownc voyce did fpeake them. Secondly for the· writing of them, theywerenot written as other Scriptures-, (whichS.Peter faith,Hbly men GfGod ~.Pct,r.lo•-wrote according to theinHin,~tofGods~oly fpirit)but God.:ar. himfelfe did write them with his owne finger; not v.f'ing · thereto either men or Angels,ls infh mencs. Yea,at-the firH alfo himfdfc m:tde 'the tables wherein they were written, that there might benothh!g in them, but onely--the imme– diate work ofGod: but afterward,when.Mofts brake them before the Ifraelites that had made the golden Calfc, there- Deur. 9.t1• by to lhew that they by their Tdolanie had broken the coucnant, and were worthie to bee call off, then though God did bidUY!ofts. make the fecond tables, yet h~n1felfc wrote Deur. 1 o.r•.. the Law,not vfing·thertto the miniflcrieof anyofhis creatures; fi1ewing that in this regard theybee more fpedallyl Gods words,and fo more to be regarded.. Andbdidc this teftimonie, diuers reafons maybe vfed, toChew thac thefe are G,ods,owne will.andwords .afteran· f:Xtraordinariemarmer. J -· For the wondcrftlll and perfea holindfe that is contai... ned in them, fl1eweth wh0 is the tnaker ofthem: becaufe. there is no good dutie, ~1hich God bound eAdam to per– forrne,but js coprchcndedand cotnnlanded in•-one oft·hefe:· _and there is no fin, that we are lrotind to abllaine from and efche-w,which is no.t forbidden in fomc .of thcfe tenwords• . Jt was aboue the ,wic ofmen or Angels,to containe inJo few words the wholeper.fetHon·ofour duth~)tO God,andman. The lawcs ofmen, though they fill rnany large volumest yet they are im_per.fect; and daily fotnething is ro beadded .to them)that was n_ot before thought v.pon,3ndfomethings . to be taken away wlrich now tnore ex,perience hath taught n.ot t~be fo profitable; fo that yet they flaod in need fiill of· renewing .and mending : but this law is fo abfolute, and doth fetout fo full-and Gomplet~a righteoufuefie,~hat ifone ~ould fulfill them all, hee (houldbee fully .ace~prablevnt0 God, at1d needed not · io ·Chrif1:1tobee llis Redetnlel'. Eor indeede this_mecteth. with all finnes 1 yt:a vvith the . . firft