Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

- 4 Tlle1'rtfoce; . firll and leaAmotions: as Pau/faith;that he had nQ:tknown that lufi (mc;aning the motions oforiginall concupifcence) ttom. 7 •7 • had been finne, ·but that the law faith (thouftullt nt~t luff)• . · ,And as their perfe<~Hon ofhelindfe doth witnelfe fualcient- ·ly, from ~hatan one they had their b~ginfling; fo further this will proo4.e them to bt thevvords ofGod, becaufe they be written andengrautn in euery mans confcience: fo that let wickedmen Ariue,and labour,and doe what theycan to make themfelues Atheifis, yet it will not bce,they cannot ; blot out Gods writing. Thefe lawes Hick imprinted in their Aet.t-4. 17 • hearts and foules,fo firmly,that they cannoc be remooued. ,l\om.1.15. Foras PaHl faith, God hath not left himfelfe withou~ wit– neffe: but in e·uerymans bofome, and eucry ones nature, bath planted fo muchofhis law, as will ferue to lcaue them · ,without excufe,and tocondemne them. For who is there a.. mong the moll prophane men, whofe foule 'doth not con– ltraine him_,cuenagainfl his will, fometimes to confefle that · there is aGcd,and oneonely trueGod, and that this God is to be worlhippcdaltoby fuch meanes, as himfelfehath ap– pointed, and that he is not tobe blafphemed, nor his name to be abufed: but that he is tobe reuerenced, and that fome time is te be fet apart and confecrated to his woril1ip? Who can race thefe lawes out oftheir ovvneconfciences, though theydoewhat they can, and flriuc ncuer fo much toextinguifh this naturalllight? . So for the fccond table, what mans nature doth not tell him that there isan orderofgouernment amongmen,which · mull not,nor cannot without finne be violated? And fo,hea– thenand vngodly men, hauingcommitted murther, were not able to !land before·the furyoftheir owneconfciences, but were in a continuall chafe :md vexation:which fheweth, that euen corrupt nature bringeth with it this knowledge into the world,that w_emull not kill. And fer vncleane pcr– fons and adulterers,though in tirn~ oftheir profperitie, they ··· hauefoot~ed vp themfelues, and hardned their ovvnehearts · by liuingin pleafure_,and giuing thcmfelues to idleneffe,and . · the luflsof their f1cfh, and fo feemed to wipeout this law:' yet in mifcry, whenany affiictiot1 hathwakened their drow- , fie