Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

. '· obeyhim~\~eyyyiU H~ll -finde ~!f~s; and haue{omething to > fay againfl it: t~e heart .is dead:and -wicked,; or elfe the Jaw · would bring comfort. · . . ; Oh how iliouldone doe for recreatio!l,f3y fome? Is it not The keear<:-crcation for,.... a ~hrHlian, to.hea~e thevoiceof~britl, and ~~~:r~t~~ for ail1~epe of'"'hnfl to feede tn htsparlures? Is lt not a re- uecrcati~.~ . .Creation for a perfon codemned, to come whet·e he may get" his pardon fealed to him? Is ir not a recreation,for a man f~Jbietl to death, to heare a direction that willleadehim to– lite? Therefore, if wee were nor alcogcther fet'lfdelfe and block'db, in tefpe6\ of,fpirituall fenfe and I:fe; it would be a's great a i~y vnto vs to feede at ChriHs Lableand in Chrifls houfc, vpon the bread of life; as in our owne houfes vpon corruptible bre;J.d. · Andagaine, couldChri(l finde in his heart for our fakes~ bello-w his foule and bodie, to giue his bodie t-o Jeath,aocl his foule to futfer the wrath ofGod~ and thall wee account it a bunhen to be-flow o.Ae day in feucn vpon him, cfpcdally -when wee arc to be made partakers of fuch benefits? And God ha-~h willingly giuen vs fixe d'aies for·our cai.. ~ l~ng,an.d,may not.we well attbord him the feuemh? But we· haue fi1ch bufinelTe,we cannot doe it. But for nlattcr of bu– finefl~, God thewes two chings, which if:1ny rnan. wiU ob– fcrue, hce may eal1ly p·rcuent thefe bui1neies.The firO,Sixl ds-J;es fhalr thoudoe allrhywo,.k_e•. vVhere he thewe&,tbat sfmen . wou~d labour faithfuJly and cot1fcienably in .thdr calling fixe daies 1 theymight well difp.Jtchall their buGneffe. But Meanes ro inJeede many limes this makes m~n· fo loath to giue a fe- P6 reuet bu• .h _) c··"' J b . i h . b 'dl d h 'fi . . tndfeon uent uay to · on,, ecav•e au·mg een 1 e an vnt rt tie the sab.. on the fi~·<:: d~i_e~, t~ey· n~u~ ;negleded fomc matter, that no\Y liesypo_q; th~m ,o.t, ··th~ f<'u~nth day: and then no mar- - uei)e though it be a gr,eat Q,tlfthcn,and vnp9flible for fuch to . ·-keepe it,but they mull Iofeby ir.But Gt)d!, c;:-cmmandement brings no fuch lofJe,their owneGone is rbe caufeofi.t.And if this be not the caufe,then the feco:nd is-,.that tnen take more V:pon them~the·n their owne works; ifone t:,lkc nothingbut,.h,e.may wcll.difpatcb alHn fixe daies•. lfone ferue: - - - _God<, . ' .