Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

• Go4 in his calling,his·callirlg:·wiU:tiorhit1der hrmTfrofii kee~ pingGodsComrturi®-nieat:fbutif:onC:feruecolteto~ft1eift~ and 61thie lucre, then indeede he iha!I firide ~1o timet'<> fer'Ue' . - : ... : God.,it~ hafle to·be fich,-and i'n ·an·eaoer defir~ :of ~ .. ;'(:'·~.~-\ wealth, wilt take more i·nto -,~~irfh~nas~--r1h~r)lfey ·c~an welf •' : .~.W11 ·man-age) this is their:(atilt ;·an'd ifl ~t~is iS)lOt' dtt~r WOrke~ ~ but the woikc:of their luH ~ thi'sistd ·b:ee·aout1e~ bodie. But:· let any manbe faithfLlll in hb calling on the f1xe 4aie5, and not encumber -himfclfewith mere then is ncedfuil,through his ownc grr.edine£fe,~nd hee fnall fee heemay eat.ity k~epe : this feuemh to ~-:;~d.;there is iio fuch caufeofcorppJainii1g-; againH it. And in:deed to a fpiritual heart;thafhath1 any'grace· and mcafitreofGods fpil·it, (howfocucdt feeme to cama11 men)it is mofi iull and equaii.sea,.m~_H fwcete arid c0rnfor– table; fo th3t"they tanwith all their hearts giue.thankes vn- · . to God,thathehath giuen thetn ot1e-day,V\iherein they may ' lighten their hearts of .all wot~d:ly and .throwingoff all griefcs, .and thoughts of debts, or fit eh like,~ giue them-' (clues wholly to feeke comfort in him, that will prouide for , them in due time, and hath prouided rh is Sabbath as ancafe Vtito them, that they fbonJd·not trouble themCelues with a– ny fuch thoughts·on·that day. And thus much to proue that ~ emeryone mull make a preparation for the Sabbath, both bydifpatcbing his bufineffe, that nothing may bee left vn- · done tjll the Sabbath; and by behauing hirnfelfe fo in the bufineffes, as his affet.Hori maynot bee too m&Jch tied vnto . them: for the former will hinder the refi ofthe Sabbath,and· _ the latter, the holinelfe of it. Therefo~e, that cuery one ma}i keepear1ho1y rdl, he mull doe all that he hath to doe vpon the lixe daies. And if he take-1norevpon him then he canji~ ·' nilh in the fpace ofiixe -da.ies,it is more thenGod laies vpon him; and he doth not labour for confcience fake,but for eo~ Uf!toufndfe fake; and rhis is not his worke, but the wotke· ofhis corruption. And fecondly,a man mult drawhis heart from the loue of the world, ·andworldly things; and then neither wor-ldly loff'es wrll fill his heart full of worJdlie· griefe, .nor c~hH()'}o~~ri~s ~ith · world!ie delight :. which: twothings ·wolild hinder him fromdelighting iO.fpiric.uall· exerctfes.