Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

!. . 174 ' . in hand fo great amatter,what timerooke he to flnilliit? h~ ~ beganand ended it,and all within the compaffe offixe daies . and left not the leaH creature vnmade till the feuenth:and h;. tooke fo long time,not becaufe he needed fuch a fpace,(for he could haue dot1e it with as much eafe in an houre, yea in · a minute ofanhoure, as in fixe dayes) but he hath diwided . the whole into fixe dayes worke, becaufe we might hauea fitter occafion,andbe better moued to confider ofthe feue. rall creatures. For ifhe had folded vp all inan houre, then it had·not bin fo ealie and plaineforour meditation. From the creation then heere mentioned, this generall doCtrinemay be learned,.That th~ Lord moll eafilyand fpeedily brings moll wonderfull things to pdfe. As it is faid, PfaJ.3 3•9· Het JPak,.e and itWt/4 done,he commttndedanditflood. Though it be aqincomprehenfible wotk to create the world without mat– ter, and to preferue it without meanes, yet it was as eafie for God toeffe6t ir, as towill it, and t? flablifh it, as tobegin ite This mighty power of God, tn doing great things by fmaHmeanes fpeedily, appe.areth likewife by other exam– ples in the Scripture.As, Nehuchadne:l:..z-ar the_mighcy Prince ·, and Monarch of the world, whenhee was walking in his Princely Palac~, in that great citie ofBa!J~l, wh ich wa9 the feate ofhis kingdome; yet howquicklywas he firi pt ofall ! how foone depriuedofhiskingdome! fo that hehadnot fo much as anhoufe,yea, a poorecottage to pu t,hishead into,. uay not one ragge to couer his nakedneffe, not adHh t~ drinke in, not a morfell ofthe\courfelt brea. d to eate, butof aKingbe~a tne moremi1erable than t~e bafefl begger, yea. as miferableas abeall : fo that from thehighell top of pro... fperity, hee was catl downe to the ex.tremitic of miferie... And then,whenhe was at the worfi,hiswit and reafon gone,., his forme and beauty departed,.and he amilhapen creature;. his hairebeinggrowne like Eagles feathers, and his nailes., likebirdsclawes>altogether deformed, not like a man now) , and his kin·gdorne poffetfed by others for feuen yeeres, fpace: yet fo foone as he looked vp vntoheauen, his wit an~" dtfcretien was rcGored, his beauty and failiion renued, and ' he redlablHn·ed inhis kingdome, _witb as full power,_and~ ~uthoritie, .