Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

. . . ... amhoritie,as euer But thcfc \Nonde-J~q1l __ al-~9:ations;, in bow linlc time .wet~ they Vt:rought, wh~a..090. t9pke, h~ hand ro worke them;> CL!Cn in a ·n«>mesH. So,in . Eg)pt~ God dcliucr his people from ,Phara9hs:c1 ucll ty"7 r~nnie:but what armic had he for tha;t ~on·queil1 a.nd. \-vho fhall be the Captaines? Mofes_-and4({;-:qn_-.,,Y·NOold'-men,th~ one eighcy yecrcs ofage,the othr.r., eighti'~ ~~~xe,c, .thcfe 11~-l!!l · goe rhemfelucsalone. But h0wwere rhey[urni01~d ~ g_:un!l Phdraohs reGflat:Jce, t~ke the Ifradites perforce trom hi s (cruitudc? Aaronmt.}fi h~we nothjng,bL)t he ll)Uit !p~ a~e what _;Mo{t's-b:td liim; -:and ./l2t'o(es.muHcani-e his:.01~p.h q ards Aafre :.we:1ke men,an:d.wc3ke,.on.e.-R'it o~dd 't~b;rJ-1}-~,!~ . nlakc an afiault ~pon [6 great a:kmg. .lfa ~arnall, mat1 : \'la~ fee ne·thcfe two,goiogagain.!lPharaoh,- at1,cl thi:nking:to, fet hbcr.cje, by flrong.hand.,h~-- wquJd.hauc iuc'– ged,that lfrael fi10lilp hauc {:)·r-en in: Ulat!tcr-i~ vntH~ thi$ day,'; vnleflc there had;beenoettclfhdpesHk.n·rhefefQul)-dr d~J~~ ueranc~:butGod, taking in hand toworkeby tbt;fe,tnC3t)CS,– WC fee ofwhat power,ana:forc.c;d1at £btfeVt~S ; . :th;n. wheat J:74ofo.rburheld irvp,it:brovght,fucb pla.glies vpqnPharao_h, an:d raU :Aigyp't;that .)lLthe -~ l{ihgrs . in thd ~w6~ ld·.could ; JiP.~ hau~ V~X-<1d anc} :troubietf~ rum rrrore_, \~iili ''~ll :their .povLcr-•. He neuer fuooke hrs·(laffc :in vaine: but fHltlotnc notable plaguefollowed;ibac'vext!d:thewhole land. ,With this·{ht,ffe .{hakO:i~he.~~.t<Ct~,atld.ruey were tur.oed into .blQ,11 d.;<hc;e held vp his_Haffe towards hcauen>and there camcGr~O;o~~ . pefs~·FJi~s;an<J.'th~rider-:··atJd·whcn.l1lc fta·d..wouqdcd the-land by-anypftheYe plagtJ.Cs, he:cotild acs eaGly cure thctn, and in. as ltttle fpa-c~.Op~ word vnto God by M~s· madc al whole. againe~ . - 1:J .=· • . . •. _ , • • ·· SoJ<>t;-tn~.ttt~d~mptiom; .ap-oore: v_irgi11s .fonne, that was defptf<!d arrd·tciteted o.frrirn;t.bat hacitng "'''ealthnor a·htho... r~~:ie !~~-~e'w-drld-; n~y', had,not fo~ much, as an 'houfe_to put· hts head_m; he -mu~l come :and be brl>ughr fonhbefi}re,a I~dge,andt.h c re bee 'cor-H.itmned; fcoJr;' e-d .r.noc.kcq · . .G)it- . d I d .-.._ I' . t b ) ' L · te ·_·on;cro.WtiC_ :' t.Vittri thon1cs, and at lcng•ch rhuH·be c~uiied away-, a.~1d l:ult;gedvpon ~:&= 00.tfe~-avnfbe~1J c::rnei, ,.;ai l1e.s-an-d lngtiilli -o;f~ GQdlrcui:fe:~· in h1s fot:~h.·_;· vptn the Cr(1flc;c·· and , M3 ~ I . .