Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

iSS ., ·The fifth Comm4ndement. . · !:>e f~ithfull in the grc.atell. And ifyoudid,yct ·G odaccounts t\ot"ofth# fub:ecl:iorf and ·rcuerente, whid1 p·rocee·dcs not fro'tn d:Jnlfcience ofhis comt_nand~ment; but from hepe.of fome outward reward. Therefore it is our dutie, not fo ,much: to trouble 'our felue' inenquiring what heads other haue, as to labour to make~he beH ofour own. For,this in the na~ turalfhodiewe fee, that if a man ·haue ahead fubie&·to.dif .. eafes,arid fidl ofinfirmities,he will not therefore aoofe·· atiii conten1ne it: but he t.hinks:,this is myhead,which God hath giuen.~e.,a'n'd th.erfor_eI mtillnot make it worfe by ill vfage,,. but tlriue to ma~e it better by all meanes 'I can. 0 but, .fay .t:hey, other·, children haue bett~r--:parents:, which bee n{ore car(full oftqem. But let tllein tU.rne ba:cke·alittle,_and e_xa~ n1inc their ow~e \vaies. Others~yotifay,haue better parents•. True,butJooke to your felfe likewife;and thioke on the o– ther fide :Haue not other parents·alfo better childreo, more dutif~ll and obedient, and n1ore vercuous eucryway then ....... ~ , 1 , . you a~?Put-thefe togethe·r now, and thymouth will foone . ··' Bee flopped. 'So.the wife; Othel' husbandsaremorekinde, louing, :afld bette'r to their wiues.- But ifyou fiand fo much in e·xamining his goodne[e by other mens; -you will driue him to trio your goodneffewith otherwomens.Benot there tn"'~ny wiues more fubiecr to t-heit~husband~,more'<Juiet and mecke,and that goe farre beyond your -(elfe, in many gra• ces? So,that infuchobietHons, let inferiours looke to·dteir . owne faults,as well as to anothers; an·d-they ffiall'nod1nde great caufe to complain·e. O,but.hefailes in doing His dude t·o me :yea, but God faiJes not in com,m·anding you ro doe your dutie tohiin.lfyou be aChrini~~~h~t] Gods comman!. dement muH bee the_ rule of your o~·edtence; and not th.~ dealingofothers ·with you. Ther~fore this doth iulUy re• p_rooue their lhameldfe impudencie, that; ifrheir parent5 · growold,or irppotent, or poore, then'th~y thinke they any. take liberticrto caG off the yoke offubiection;, and grow fiubborne. As who·thould fay,tha~ age,or poucrtie, or·fuch .: like things ~-ould cut offthe nature of a parent, andcake~ way the authoritieQf a fuper~our: and that outward thing~ · lhould hauc the Ghicfc account 1 andGods .eommandemcnt· be: