Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

c~~n'~~~-~'~- · 1 'beleafl of~\1 . •Thisli~e~!fe ~ayfcrueJor c~mfo!~ to. thofegou~rno,urs, that are 1n ap~o~er;ap~}qw~r con41~ ~ion;, Th~tGod ha~h allotted vnt~1 ~he~ , a~" mpch _honQur In th,c~r plac~s:,a~ to: ~he grcat~fl Prince in.the v,v·,orl~ ..~~-r rh5 poore rpa~ is as w,:ell the head o(J~}~ ~i(~, jlS ~~e 'lfing u th1 he~d; of~he ~e.~p~· A~A thc~~c~~~":}J;a!f,\1~~ 1 ~-!1~ ~a~~~~! ar~~~ tn'!Sru.9 i~eF!~-c~o~~~!~ .~r~e ~¥prf~~~\ . h~~flll. ~h~:v;v~a~~~~·~} t~~ ~v,orl.~~Jiq~re!.C?.f:e_t~1ey..u19,uld~e;tl~ th~i~ e?~ertJe fa.~uch .. ~~e tn~r~, pat!5tl}lf,., b~c~qfe D? ·~Que.rtie pr lowne!feoftheueG;lte,can gtuehcence. ~.9 the1r tn~ feriours,to eflee~e anywhft .tlile w_or(e,o~ an4; ift~e in,ferioursdoe for this cat4fcdefpi_fe thew, ~n~y ~~~nea-gaipA; ·po,d,and doe iniurievnta them, and GQd ~ill h 1 ere~en'geq . ofthFm.accardingly. Somuch .for this, t~at God btd~ t~~ ~hild honeurhis owne{a.thcr, howfoeuer ma.ttersJland, t~ ~egardofhis tlat.c: and .con~.ition·Qf!ife., ' - ...... > • ' .. ~ • 9 ~-. .. . · .- 11o,n6nrlh1rathera~Wozh,er. ·::; _: ·: _~·;f ; T. -~~fe duties ~f c~e n:tuu~all chHde,c~mmanded ie thete - . _words,arecompreh~1:1ded vnd·er thefe ,three-hea&; Re– uerence,Obedience,andThankfulnes.This reuerence,which .is firit reql!ired, mp(l bee,poth~nvyard and · .. o~tw~rd, in the ·heart _andin the b;~pauiour. Ap_d if o~e .pr~tend the inward .reucre~ce,and lhew it nat outwardly>th_isis but dHfembliQ.g and falfehood, for it cannot bee within,.but ·it will {hew it felfe without; fo that it mufl beeboth. inward in the heart:~ and outward in the cariage ofour bodie. The inward is com- . p1anded,Leuit.19.3. Te foall foar;:, ·eHtr]"J•n, humotherllntl. f4ther, ,.,J k!epe my Sflb!Jt~thj-. In thefe W.ords 'G.O,D .co·m• m~unds the fubHance~fthe whole1a,w,both in the ·firA: and fecood table: and fot the fecond table, he,e beginnes with the firfl commandcment ofic, Feare c•erie m1111 hu ·mother• .One would ~~ue. thought bee fhould with the father; b~&!, . t~ough !l:tor:e l:,ee,due ~·nto ~im,yet, be~a;ufe it is a greater note of ·trueth to pcrforme it to the ·mo– ther, (~y r~~_f9n, t~aF her infirm·ifies, wber~to Jl1ce is ,more · {u~iJ~~'- tn~e . ~e~ ~or.e fu}?lect to conten1pt, and for h~r ~nd~Jgen~~~ c~~~o!lMe th~.~~ n.?o~h~~'. leffe C'xp;9t ~ . J_ , •,· _ • · " N 1 ' thts, -