Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

( ·36 'I'he _ 1 Athird note, where y w may difcerneour loue toGod, is the louewebearc to his feruants.• Hee, .th~tt lfiNII ·him that !Jegets, wil!!fJHI him thatisbeg~tten Dfhim. Ifthenwe finde inour hearts a good affeaion to ChriAians, becau(e theyare Chriflians, without any refpc&what they haue bin, or may be vnto vs :ifwe efieeme of them,b~caufc they beare aloue to Gods word,and haue the vertues ofCh~ifi lhining forth in their liues; as loue, patience, meekeneffeJ tempe... ranee, and (uch like :it isanvudoubted teflim~nie 'vnto vs, ofour true loue to God. 4 Afourth marke is, Ifwe loue his comming, ifw~canwil· s.Tim -r.ff. lingly defire the appearance ofChrifl to iudge ' t:b,~ qukke and 'the dead. For whatfoeuer our heart is truly fet vp:cm,wce cannpt bu.t:bee exceeding defirous to haue it with vs. ·Loue is fuch a band, as doth tye and draw the minde vnta that which ii ·toucd. And therefore when PttHI felt the loue of ·• · God fhedde abroad in-his heart, bee defired earncfUy to be diffolued~and to'be'wlthChrill. So likewife in theReNdatiDn, 2.z. I 7· theSpi!it and the Bride fay, Come Lord;cDme quick./]• And eucn in the naturallmarriage,in which the loue is much more weake and flender, this is manifefl, that if theWife loue her Husband, when hee is gone far re oft~ lhee will bee ye~y dcfirous of his returne. If this bee fo Jn this marriage (-where there be many infirmities and crofi~es) that they long_ andwHhfar the company' ofone another ihow much more in the fpirituall ? where there is perfe8:ion already on the one partie, as that hee is full of loue and mercie, and will likewife free the ·other partie from ail miferics, wants and infirmities, (when they iliall bee ioyned fully tC\gcther)and fill the.m full ofall vertues and graces. In thii marriage, I fay, how can one chufe but long afier this perfeCt and happie , meeting? How can bee that bath any loueand alfurancc of :thefe things, fl.ay himfdfe? buthee fhall bereadyto fl'e vp · into beauen, and the flame of his delire will burne aboue the cloods, towHh that God would come·and dwell with · .vs. IftheWife lhould fay, I loue mine Husband as well as any, hut iliee cannot endure to heare of his comming . home~ and :it would .make her ficke to bee fent for to him !J