Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

Thefdl CemmAndenttnl. 41 him, or to vndcdbnd that UH!e {ho_uld ibortlie mecte with him : who doth not fee that this were mcere dif– fembJing, and no true 1ouc indcede ?For, fo farre as a Wife doth Ioue her Hu£band, fo farre lhee will dellrc bis companie. So if wee will beare others in hand that 'A'ee loue God aboue ~11, and no man Ioueth God ~etter than wee, and yet ncuerrheJdfe haue no de fire to come at _ him, neither would ..haue him by our willes to come at vs : whac loue is this ? Ic is verie wcake or none at aiJ. Wee muAtherefore pray and endeauour, that wee tnay long and wHb for the comming of Chrill. For G 0 ~ bath giuen this to others of his Children, tb_at were as– weake as wee; That when they did thinke of their good efiate and freedome from all finne and miferie , as a_Ifo of the pc:rfe6tion of all happinetfe which they lhould enioy in the life to come, they are fo inflamed in their hearts, as that they vehemenrlie defired his prefence, by whieh they fuould bee deliuered from all their woes, more then any Won1an could defire the comming of~er .Husband. · . The fifth and fall11ote~ whereby wee may trie our· r louc to G.OD, is, to confider how wee Hand aftetled to ' mat which hee hates~ True it' is, that wee may loue a n1an vnfainedly; and yet not hate a~l t.hat hee hates, .e. caufe his hatred maybcevniufi, or heemay ex,cecde in the meafure thereof: but God, (we know) is perfeCt and haces notning,but that which is hafe wonhy:and abhorrethnone, but thofe that~cferue to be ahherred.Therforewe mu!l trie / and fee how we Hand affected t<o the.World. For theApofile I.:~mes 4·+· faith,he that Ioues the World isan enemy toGod,and t.loh. 2.. IJ.. For as weH he~ that loues that which q 0 D hates, as hee that hates that. which God loues, oppofeth himfclfe agaiofi God. Alfo we mull fee how wee hate couet– oufileffe, malice, pride, filthine£fe, falfhood, and fuchlike, for all thdething~ God hates. But ifone bee fo farre from a_bhorring lying, ·as that hce himCelfe will lie; and .fo farre from hatingeatterie, as that himfclfewill flatter,and fr.eake f.airc bcfor.e mens faces, but deprauc them behind ·their · backcs ;,