Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

so Thefirfl Commandement. _ to do it. They he afraid to keepe the Sabbath, or go to heare Sermons, leH they lhould be counted too precife: theywill not fe.rue God, le£'1: thetr old acquaintance & friends (bould forfake them, and their neighbours lbould idl and launh at them.This daftardlineffe,andcoldndfe todogood,but ~ou~ 1·age and readinetTe to do euill, lhcwes plainly that they be void ofrhe true fearc ofGod. For iftnen d0 but .hold vp the finger, and the moll abietl: and bafeH pcrfon in a Counuie . do but fpeakc a word, he mayallure and perfwade them to riot and intemperancie, a,nd to commit fuch other haitrous . finnes,which they hauepromifcd to forfake, and God hath 1 thrcatned to punifh. The third :;1nd lafl note of~he true feare · of~od, is, to delight in GodsCommandemetns,and w:1lke Pf~h111.r. in his waies, as hee iairh}Bleued is the man that feareth God, 2n:i delighteth gready io_his Coinmaundemcrits ~ Hee that bath no delight to walke in Gods waifs, but in hii o\\'ne, and hath all his pleafure in talking of his commoditie and profit) not of[he Word; as though ~imfelfe were the ·god to be obferued, and lufl had the· foueraig:n·de .:and command ofhi£heart, and not God: fuch b·aue not die fc,are.of 6od. ,But ifone delight tpconfe·r ofG.ods law;antftake:hi's ~ gr~a· ... tell comfort in fpcaking, ~nd thinkingof his Comina'un'de– ments;fuch anone may conclude wiihhimfdfaHlncdiy,that he hath that feare ofGod in his heart, which will bring hi_m to euerlafling life.. ' · : · : . ' : . · Hence then the beH .man. in· this world inay l~an1~ to confefie his weakenefle, :and to acknowledge his \'\/ants and defeCts in this behalfe: for that fo much feare ofdeath, po– uertie, difgrace>and, £hewes a great want ofthe feare ofGod. This trembling at mens threatnings fo much; and at Gods threatnings fo httl~, that is in all m~n by 1 n3tt.fre;. thagreat feare of loiing eanhlie thinges, and rhf 'lfr– tle feare of loMng heauenlte thinges _; the much deligh~ . wee haue in matters in this world, and the lictle deligh:c in the law of G.od, teHifieth to our f~ces and · ihewed1 plainely, that w~ehaue but avery little fpat·keofthe feare qf God~ · · · · _ · · Thefe wants we inufl fee, andconfeffeJand ruhbc vnto le~ fus