Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

. 'Thefrfl ComiiJandement. . 5I : ;fos·Chrill,tllat made aperfect andabfolute fatisfaction) tha·c: . he might fupplieour imperfeCtions : ·and then of~his . fulnes we fhall hauec.nough, to fulfill that _wherein our felues come . fhort. · Th~next andhfl ·dutie, required· in this fidl Commaun• To truft in dcinenr, is to truH in God with all our hearts, to put our God. full confidence in him;;1nd re lie wholly v.pon him, andhrm'· alone. This is commanded, Prouer. 3·5. Trufl in God with a.fl thintt heart~ ,in.d !cane I!Jot to thine fJttJNI wifodomc. Though · thine ownc reafon tell thee, Now, that. I naue great profp crit1e, and the World at will, I iliall oee Cafe: yet trufl · not .to that, but make God thine onely flay. So ferem. 1 7''7"'·· .Blcffid i.J that man t.hat trufls in God, ar1d mak.J.f him· h~· ftay: .forhee {h4/thee ltk.! the treepla.t;ted6tthe 'W?ittr fdc. He fi1ewes that bee that truth inGod, lhall be ble{fe'd ofGod ,and !hall . :be Hill ina Aouri!bingeHate: what cuer he~ce, that is, Hirrcs.. . .or alterations, and chan~es other men feele, hee tballcon– well aud bee .alwaie Jruitfull. And indeede this is the ..o[;)Cily: hap.pincdfe.ofa.!ChrifHaJi, ·To -bee fruitfuH ·in, ·-gopd workes:; ~ndithi$iS'.th:e rrnift{y . of:aU mikrics, To bee in goad .wn.vkes~. ·Tha·t ·pitfH~-llet4Y ~ne· h~art, an-d i-sa~, .;. fcorchit1g ii"eat~: 0utfo long us_ 6ne tru!l:i in God~: ·hce ·fball . .be kept in the fpring, t.hcr.o fhaUb~ · nd"winter,nor fal19f the leafe vmo him~ Faith rnakes aperpeuial"l :Cpting time. _For fo-. faith che Prophet, Tbat bu~lcafe'{h~lNiee~'ttg~une.StJ;funher hef::rith; Pfa!;j'l·4· ..&.tr. :T!Yuft!ii-JGadj ll:nfliJ:eejhalt riuc thel·· tl1ine IJe.zrtJ defire. He that.would hattewhat hcc·· cail' wilbor ddirc,let hi m t'ruH in Goli ::Jor this intideth him to all Gods. . prqmifes,,ye.a,it giue·shi~ in'tere!liti;Godbim(elfe: and ha:. uin~ him., he canwant nothing: .. · · -~- . . · · ... I The meanes· whereby; wee ~ fl1oultlco'me to th 1 is trull in The fifft' : G d . , d' . h' ' k . · . - me:me~ to , o ·, ts,no me I tare tn ·rs J)b\vet; to ·now that he is-able ro attainc to :l . helpe vs) thorwh wehaue alhhe wo!ld aea1nH vs· and'cor3._fure tru!h , • • ~ .., l:> · ' • 1.11 God~. trartwtfe, that: vnldfeGod do helpe.vs, _all theworld;an-cl all the·hefpcsin_thc:.WorH.i, ihail b€ no fot:th~tance to:vs- : · .. Thcn.alfo ir co·nfrJcr~ fhe :~~pcrience<of~his inerde that:: · h~ ;hath ddiu:e·r~d <:>tlxer·dfl\.i;s_-c.hildren-;,· when th-ey w~r'e in , . as great necdftue, and· were drunkcB'V\tfd'l" gall andworme.. . · wo.o.d, _.