Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

70 , Cotnm4ndement. · places,at the fame time; and therefore it is necdfary thnt hee mull be prefcnt in all places at once, and fo confcquently be aGod. ' · L2!Uyt he that is prayed vnto, mufl know and fcarch the beartsof~hofe, who crie vmo him: otherwife, hypocrites / mightfpced as well, or better, many times, than ChrHlians, for they cangiue as good words, and make as faire lhewes outwardly as others. But God onely knowcth the ·hea:t, ,1.. Chron.6.lo•Therefore to pray vntoSaintsand Angel~ is, ·in truth, to afcribe adiuine nature vnto them, and to make gods ofthem. - · · · To ftveare by God · enly. Secondly, God will haue vs to fweare by none but him.. felfe alonc./er.5·7· How{hall!JPare theefor thief thy children haU8 ft»"fok.fn me,andfworne/Jy thtm that an 1fiO g•d.r?Howfoe. uer thefe are etlcemed fmall finne.s, tQ fweare by the Maffe, Crclfe, or (uch like, yet the Prophet char.geth vpon them, that fuch fwearers arc forfakers ofGod; and withall threa– tensagainll them) that how-euer theyefcape the hands of men,yet God will not (pare them, but beauenged on them– And iufl·caufe there is, why they lhouldbe fo s.:.eputed; and proceededagainH. For in fwearing by ldols~we afcribevnto them~knowledge to fearch into fecrets,and find out thehh:i-:/f'! . tien truth·andfalfe-hood; iufHce todeare the innocent, and ·. ·condemne theguilty,power to.reward the righteous, and· eo punifh the wicked, to their ownewicketines. Vnb~full Thirdly,. to dedjcate fet~dayes and times to the hon~ur ro de~hcatc of them· eitherby feaHing or fafHno As Hotea z. I 3· I {et• dayes . . ' · , , ' b, . · 'J"' • 1o Saincs. r411!l vift'e vplln:her the daycs tJjBaalm1, 'Wh~rem /hte IPurnt tll-· cenft·to them, and foee deck.;d her folfe with hereare.ring! And Jewels:- But it might bee asked, what great fault was jn all this? Iris anfwcred in the next words, They h~ue followed their loucn, and forgotten mee, faith the Lord. And ·as common experience prooues, that all they, who llan~ moll for fupertlitious Holie-daycs, are the greateH pro– phaners of the Lords Sabbath, and con-temners of his Word·, ·Tbe fpeciall worlhippe that. was yeelded to the 1·7 · golden Calfc in the vviiJcrnefle, was the celebration .of _ .Exod.Jl· 6 •the Fe!liuall day: as the ApoHlefahh, The pt'ople fou Jown1 ttJ