Dod - Houston-Packer Collection BV4655 .D63 1600z

. 71 H ~At I ~end bi11~,4,J,rofo vp t~ pl1tJ~ And this is reckoned as one ofthe rnoH grieuous fins of/er~6oam,that he had for• ged out of his owne h~art, a folernne fea!l ~o the Calues, J.King.t2.iZ·33• . then the worlhippingofImages is the ~vo r l'hip- V(t ': P ingofdiuels,as is faid,Pfal. I o6. 36. 57.They forucd thetr f_ vyroilhrp. . . h a: d h . · , ptngof I. dots whzch were the1r rume :1ea, t q O.u ere t etr fume f and mages mull their daughter J vnto diutls. (For hee ~ that dot h Gods wor ke, · be;?eA• he. worfhips God,and he th~t doth the diucls work he wor- . t(l or.. fhips tbediueli.)And feeing alldols be condemned in Gods fen1ice, bccaufe they haue no warrant froin God', and hee; hath not appoit1ted any f1gnific~ttor of them : this fe~ue-s: for the reproofe 'ofalllc~?fc that·h:ai1e bowe~ do~·ne 'vhro: them ,kiflC:d them,()r vfed any honfagcfvntci ·rhem-.·F~1·1n:EO fay66. 3· he fets d.owne this . as a t1ote of an 'vnrfg~nerate: man,toMe!foan /doll: one neede goe no fun~er forthe :rlote; ·efa wicked finne-rJtkau;ifhe blcffe an Idoll.·wodhip-, ping ir,ia thi·s_Commandeme ~t,hc~ tiie'anes not· r'?Jtcc~mp·~ it ~ asGG.d, but t.o thinke that :by3nY, ~'eti~re~·~·e: do11e · befot'e~ the Idoll oite•lhall get fome helpe,· a:n~- that: this Oiall bee> a· tneanes ;of gdl~d :to ·;hhn :"to doe this,' is fpirituall whore..- ·dorille :.Eor.·t{wi:nEfay4·2.;~. I \'Vill1!,ot g'iut' .. m_y-gl~tie to= awo~; tber. O·ne ha-d : betifet~ tAenHore i..!ie't~e<leat-11-, ..thar1 ·':fe.-3-ti~{.'l. . bodily.)gdture;'Of relo!er~~~e· to ad Ido]J. ~nd th-is l ~e three~ chil d renO,kh~ ft/Ill "veU~i tt\De:inid. Fon.\,hen the King ·com-~ Dan. J.• man J eil~· ,hf!s~ri ·on. ttari1tle~ d·C :d~ath· to fa't'l ,. hce ·didnoc bid them (bend thc·ir foules, but onely their bpdics, yet ;t hey w~ulrl :not: {1)11~-~aitHi --h·~tle · t·hd~~~t-.-!h~it~i·ght1 l~.aue t1one .ehac. ;··;an4 :y~t;:h~u:e ·refer'ue~ ·t;heir ~ear~s 'J"ni.<;>' ' God. Bur rh ey:ktli~',rh'it ir{~hey had,defile.d~l4ii hbHi~,! with the leatlho#;ir; .~Q\Ud ·-l1tnlie· dr-awne Gods curfe' vport their foule5ttlnd•bcrdi~st!{al1d!~hert foiethey dur!l not yet!& yntd ir. •;:: ;I I:'J' ' LL d 11on i1 ; ru l "·.; . >i ·· . Seeing~~the.n th1& ·is 1a ?piritt'ia4If~hoiieqome , ; : thofe that:_ .. haue.·done it ~n1ilfl rep·etit for it,antl ~nb~kt'hat tney 'haiie in;; feae.d their foule with.a d<Hnnab-le Gn'ne:;for which if theY''·. doe not thrpughly ~epent, it is fure, that '\\!heq·thi1e anq o~-'~ ~aft?n lball ferUejthey.wHJ fall to it' as[rt'fbljttrseuer·bef8ri.-:_ , d For