Fenner - BT800 F4 1658

iVilfull Intpenitency. but wilt thou not be made clean? Prefuppojitions not to he mifta.~n.' 1 Pre{u,i I .Its true th~t a tvick!d m~rl cannot repent ?or be -pofltion not c~nvertedofhzmfelf;but th1s cannot only dos not to bemifta- htnder him; ifa wicked mans cannot only di~ hi;t· ~n. der him, he mtght excufe himfelf before the tri· Licetilli~ bunal efChr.ifl;LorJ, thou k..,non 1 tft I did my bejl, quis non I would have been ruledby thy word,but 1could l'offitgrati- not : I would have been humbled'and reformed -~tTn_ Adipifci better than I wa'i, but I could not. If a wicked qut npro- mans cannot did hinder him , he might excufe lJ_:turta himfelf thus. But al ::.g, he is not able to fay thus "eo, 11.men · h · L d ld h r. q 11 Gd in hoc W1t out ftremptory ly~ng. or. ,I cou not c u1e vel illud but do wtckedly; ,I acted mofi wretchedly, but I -,eccatum . could n~t otherwife chufe :·though it was not in J~batu~ ex thy power not to be born in original fin · yet ~r~~t:::ero who neceffi~ated thee to commit fuch grofs ,ontingit, ~ actual.fins? 1n Prov. I. 29. they h.ated /znoWledg_e, itnde & they d~d not chu[e ,theway of the Lord._They dtd ~erito fibi not ufe any liberty of wilt to chufe that whieh ~n culpam wasgood: What? 'was·it becaufe they could not? :;_'putatur. no; for albeit they could not, yet that was not qt·;;~· I• the caufe. -~o,they would none .of my counfels, .Art. 3 .refp. they defP.ifed all my reproof, v. 3o.Mark, the rea– ad Arg. fon why they did not chufe , was not becaufe · ~ertium· t~ey could not choofe ' but becaufe they would not. 2Prc:fup. Itstrue God. cloth not give them power to · believe , and to be re~ewed; but can they fay, thoughiwouldferioujl_y ,God would not?were they able to fay thus,though I defired it heartilJ, God would not give me grace , the!\ they had fo · colofW •I'