Fenner - BT800 F4 1658

I •• l .. ' ; ' l,.t thegroffijt 8 elf-murder. . colour to cafi it upon Ood, I would, ~u~ :Gotl · '· woJtld not. But they ~ant;to~ cafl: it .'l:lpon·h:itrr. _ _ ., How flften would I have gatherfd th~e together,Ma~ 2!~ ·tven as a Hen g~tthereth ~er ch1c~Hs? bN~ tho·~31• 1 waUldeft not ?I would, f~id God, bu~you \:V~ul~ . n<;>t ; nay, how often would I, but you wou~d r~ot ? Mat. 2 3. 37~ Though God be not fo wil.:. ling as to .give themall power to believe, and'be faved, yet he is .aforehandwith them. . . . , . 'Its true, if the ~.kked _fll,~u~d . ~ill . as. far as;. . Pref,J~ they are' etble to · W~l~; yet. thet~ Wlll w.er~ . ?!~t !fible full out ; but tl~ts dotfi pot . e~cuf~ ~hemi becaufe Go4 alwaye.s r~folv~d to. be ,llfo'":e~~n~ with them. Indeed as tn Matt. 2S.29. God ·gtves · ~is fervan~s this rule ~y . ~~i~h he ever goes towards t~~m, _unto every ~ne _that bath foall beM~t.2§~ given, .and h~ fhall have abundante ? ,fpea~ing 29~ ..pf thtngs _tn ·~odtm genere. . B?t ~o _~pply · tt to a man tn ~ the fiate of nature, ts ~o fay grace is given according to .works , which is rhevery dreg~.r o.f .Pelagianifm. Yet howev~r; _ all this }s ~ ~oO: eticouriftging i?ftimati~n. Let r.A : · 1· ~ 1 r. h l · G d ... · ··· h. d r .. czen 1 • any , ~an u1e t epo·wer t 1at . o gtv~s . t~?- ~.n . qitodmfe h,e fhall .have more• .As he that takes patns eft,dels / for learning ; As he that ufetlt means to in~ fa~itt qrl~~ . c~eafe his eftate, may find in ordinary pro~i-7~(e. P~la- , aence, the handoftheailigeni ~akf.r rich.He th~~~~~t~: 4~ ufeth a penny well , makes tt two pence ; hek 10.22.; tha~ ufeth two pennies' very wen, n~akes 1it a groat. . . . · . , , . . s~ that thougli therebe p<jt fuch an j nfal... . li.bili.r nexus , diai: God hath bound himfelf hi , . the ufe of orir natural abilitie.r toadd[upernaiur1tl graces/ ye't undOrib'tedly he'will never' 6e'\v~rit~~ o. - c in~ ,; · ~~- )