Fenner - BT800 F4 1658

thegroff efl Selfmurder•·., 31 ". verily to reprove thee ' andexact a fine of thee for ·every mifgo~erned word? Why doH thou ·not hawk fuch acquaintance as may occafion thy Tongue to cafr out Oat~s? Why dofi thoU: not dub down thy lufl:s wtth argument upon argument ? fuall I be touchy to be d·amned,and proud td be damned , &c. even .argum'entJ of felfe-love are able to knock themdown~ I do not know hovv; No? that's becaufe thou vvilt not know, They k.!tow not neitherwilt they un– derJfand,Pfal. 82. 5. ·so thou knowe!l: not, ne.i..: ther wile thou underfiand ; thar's the reafon thou fii}l walk!ft in dar/e.pej[e; why doil: not 'thouoppofe thy lufl:s at firfl: rifing? nonobtine– bis ut definat, ft incipere permiferis, fayes Se14e- > ea ; -thou canfi never get victory except thoube– here firfi in the Field. The Lord bath given thee counfels on this fafhion' why do.ft thou . not ufe them? only· becaufe ·thou wilt not ; haft thou impediments? Clarancus bad them too, but ,he overcame them fayes Seneca, Why dofi not thou ? if thon wilt ' not; thou doft willing!y perifh ; thou mighdl do more than th_ou dofi , but thou wilt not ; and thou migh– tefl: Jhu,n more than thou dQfi, but thou wilt . ' not. Fourthly , be.caufe thou wilt fay all tbefe things are but natu;-al and moral and civil, I may Perifhfor all thefe . but alas· I am not able to do any thing fpiri~ually : I cannot be-J lieve, I rcanno~repent; though this be very true, I yet thy plea ts no e~cufe ; for though·they be natural , yet they are fir.ft. Firfl thats in order · "\,\~~!eh is natur~tl, ttrJ~ lljterWftrdf that which is · · fpirifu~