Fenner - BT800 F4 1658

I. , I \ . t Rings . ~!29· . . Wilfultlmpenitency · ' fpiritual , and if thou ftick§ft there thDil ftick..eft at a will-not. The Lord/hath takena fufficient courfe to hftrft<ble thee, and thou wilt not be ham– bled ; thou fayefr thou canfr not obey fpiritu• ally, I grant it, its moft true: nor re-pent fpiritu– ally ~ why then wilt thou not .be ltumbled . that canfr not ? As God faid toPharaoh, How l~ng wilt thou refufe to humble thy[elf beforeme l Exodus I 6. 3. :There is external humiliation, as Ahabs humiliation , th~u may<?fi corn to , . before that humiliation thou canfi: not expreffe: why art thou not humbled with ·that which thou mayfi? . · FirD: then, why dofi thou ·not fee thy cafe ~o be dttmnable ? Doft thou not know that judgment is pafr upon all to damnation ? R·om. 5. 18. .All menare damned oht-ofChrift.Who– foever is not a new creature, is not irJ Chrift, but is a damned man to this day : thou knowefi the Lord himfelf doth fay thus: what hinders thee now from deduCting a particular there– from? If upon all men, ,thenupon me; if all be damned to thi$ day that are not new crea~ tu.r~.s in Chriff , then I am a damned man to this hour : This Logic/z. God doth vouchfafc thee; why dofr thounot reafon on this fafhi· on ? I am ·a damned man and a damned wo~ n1an to · this day: if thou wouldfl: be brought to this· patre there might befome hope of -thee, but thou wilt not ; thou ·wilt fcrape up fome hopes or other, thou wilt not believe this . .Believe thus, [ayes God ; but I will not, fayefl: thou, no , thou wilt have thy lufi:H:ill , and tpou wilt not bcli~v~ this·; ifthou wouldft be~ · lieve ,