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a Chrifians Growth. 109 2. Some graces are more exercifed, and if fo, they abound more ; as though both armes doe grow, yet that which a man ufeth is the fit-anger and the bigger, fo is it in graces ; In birds, their wings which have beene ufed mof},are ftvicetefi to the tafte. As in the body, though the exercife of one member maketh the body generallymore healthful', yet fo as that member which is exercifed, will be freelt from humours it felfe ; fo it is here ; fo tribulationWorhethpatience , patience experience, Rom. 5. Many fufferings make patience the leffe difficult, and much experience, many experiments make hope greater. Againe, thirdly, that fome graces are more in fame then o- thers, appeares hence ; for what is it makes the differing gifts that are in Chrifiians, but a feverall conflitution ofgraces,though all have every grace in them ? as now in the body every member hath all fingular parts in it, asLeib, bones, finews, veynes, blond, fpirits in it, but yet fo, fome members have more offlefh, leile of finews and veynes, &c. whence arifeth a feverall office in every member, according as fuch or fuch fimular parts doe more or leffe abound in a member ; thehand, becaufe it hath more nerves and joynts in it then another member, though leffe Lefh, yet how Itrong is it, and fit for many offices ? the foot is not fo : So in Chriflians, by reafon of the feverall constitutionof graces, and the temper ofthem more or leffe, have they feverall offices in the Church, andare fitted for feverall employments ; fome have more love, and fit for offices ofcharity ; fome more knowledge, and are fit to infirru ; fome more patience , and are fitter to fuller ; fome for felf -denyall, and accordingly doe grow in thefe more fpecially. The third Queflion is, Whether this increafe be onely by radi- 3. uef. eating the fame grace more, or by a new addition? I anfwer, that by adding a new degree of grace, as in making Anfvo candles, which is done by addition, when a candle is put anew into the fat ofboiled tallow, every time it is put in, it comes out bigger, with a new addition ; or as a cloth dipt in the die, comes out upon everynew dipping in with a deeper die. And this is doneby a new alt ofcreation, put forth by God. There- fore when David being faine, prayed for increafe of grace, he fayes, Create in me a new heart. And therefore Ephef 4.24 - 1' when