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IIO The Tryall, when the Apoffie exhorts to further putting on the new man, and fpeakcth ofgrowth, he adds, which is created; for every new degree is created as well as the frí} infutìon, which fllews the difference between natural! growth and this: In naturali growth there needs not a new creation, but an ordinary concurrence ; but it is not fo in this, that God that begun the work, by the fame power perfeas it : And therefore Ephef. I. 19. he prayes that the beleeving Ephefians mightfee that power that continued to wore in them, to be no Idle then that which raifed up Chrift ; for though naturali life may with a naturali concurrence increafe it felfe, becaufe the terminus à quo, the terme from whence it fprings, is but from a leffe degree of life to a greater : yet it is otherwile in this life, and our growth in this is from a greater degree of death , to a further degree of life : And therefore 'Phil. 9. the Apofile calls growing in grace, a going on to attaine the refurreaionfrom the dead : And therefore the fame power that railed up Chril, mu[f goe along to work it. Hence alfo every new degree ofgrace is called a new converfion ; exceptyc be converted, layes Chrifít to his Difciples converted already ; be- caufe the fame power that wrought to converfion, goes ail! to this. And therefore it is laid that Godgives the increase, i Cor. 3.7. and it is called the increafing ofGod, Colof. 2. 19. fo Hod 14. !hewing the ground why they grow fo fait ; Thy fruit isfound in me, fayes God, ver. 7. although this is co be added by way of caution and difference, that therein God Both proportion his influence Co our endeavours, which in converfion at firf} he doth not. Therefore we are laid to be fellow.workers with him, al- though it behe that gives the increa/e, 1 Cor. 3. 6,7, 8. the fame you have alto, Rom. 8. We by the Spirit doe mortifie the deeds of the IV. We, as coworkers with the Spirit. FrD\C I s.