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A Table of the Contents of this Booke. The Introduí`lion. THe femme anddivifion of the words, and thefubjet! ofthis Difcourfe. Page 1 Some Obfervations premifedof this Parable of the Vine : 1. Obier. HowChrifl is the Vine, and the onely true Vine. 3 z. Obier. HowGod the Father rs the Husbandman. `Declared infive things. 6 3. Obier. Twoforts ofBranches in-the Vine, fruitful! andunfruitful!. 8 An interpretation of thofe words, [Branches in me that bring not forth fruit.] By three things. 9 Threefeverallforts ofBranches that prove unfruitfull. 11 Some differences betweene true Branches and Temporary Branches, grounded on theText. 12 1. Difference. Temporary Beleevers bring not forth truefruit. And What it is that makes agoodwork to be truefruit. ibid. 2. Difference. Temporary Branches bring notforth fruit in Quill. 14 What it is to bring forthfruit in Chrift, explained. 15 This Queflion, Whether in every aFt a (hrifliandoth all in Chrift, by his fetching v'ertuediflinElyfrom him ? Re itvedby 3. tbiugs. 18 That every Beleever dothfive things, whichare truly and inter- pretatively to bringforthfruit in Chria. 19 4. Obfer. In the moft fruitfull Branches there remaine corruptions to bepurgedout. The reafons ofit. 22 5. ()bier. Thatyetfor their corruptions God takes notfuch away. 28 6. Obfer. Vnfruitfull Branches God in the end cuts off: Feure degrees ofGods cutting them o f f,founded on the Text. 34 The Tryall of a Chriftians Growth. PART I. Of G o VV T H in bringing forth more fruit. CHAP. L That alltrue Branches in Chrift doegrow : Proved, Scri tures, 1. By {Realms. 1. ReaC From Chrills relation to tu as an Head, andWe his members. 8 Andherein,