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The Table. 5. The more afbamed We grow offormer carriages, andfenfble of former weaknef fec. ibid. 6. TheWeakerWe fnd`our lofts to be in the time oftentation. ibid. 7. The more ability We have to abfl:aine from occafions an,i opportunities of fatisfying our lufls. 84 g. If roe linger not after the objec7s of our lulls, when they are abfent, but are weanedfrom them. ibid. CHAP. V. Some Cautions to prevent mil-judging by fa!e rules. Ai alo This Cafe refolved, whether growth in Grace may bejudged by the ordinary prevailingofcorruption, or the ordinary ailing of a mans grace. - gs T. Caution. That men are not to eflimate their progrefe in grace, by having overcome_filch lap as their natures are notfo prone unto : but that ajudgment hereof is to be madefrom the decay ofthe bofomefin. ib'd. 2. Caution. We are not to judge by extraordinary aflances,nor extraordinary temptations. 86 This Caution explicated by three things. 87 This -Zseflion refolved, Whether we may certainly judge of the degrees ofour mortification to iufls,by the ordnary rifngs andprevailing: of them, or by the ordinary aïling and excrcife ofourgraces. 88 Anrwered affirmatively. ibid. An Objellion, That the Spirit is a voluntary Agent, Who may all a leffe degree ofgracemore then agreater. Anfwered. 90 1. 'Thatyet the holy Ghofl ordinarily affls according to the propor- tion ofgracegiven. ibid. 2. That the at-ling ofgrace encreafeth thehabits more,andfo it comes all to one. 91 Two limitations herein. I. That God for forte time of a mans life may leave a Jirong Chriflian to greater corruption then aweake, and act a tiealZ Chrifliansgraces more. ibid. God may have four ends infuchadipst. fation. ibid. 2. Limitation. Ifa Weak Chriflian be more watchfully over his luflsfor a time, then a flronger Chriflian : yet his weakneffe is dfcoveredby two things. 94 CHAP. VI.. Five Cautions more added to the twoformer, to prevent fetch miljudging. 3. Cant. To take into confederation emir feverall eccafions to draw out Corrup- tions, andmeans to drawforth graces. .6