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The Table. 4. Cant. To confider the naturall temper of a mans ozone f irit ; Whether it be quick andatlive, orflow. ibid. 5. To confider whatforce reflraining grace bath in us, which oftenmakes morti- ficationfeemegreater then it if. 97 6. Not tojudge from our prefent lifilefaeffe tofin ; which may arife from other caufes befides true mortification; andfo may make thatfeeme to be much more at f me times then in truth it is. 99 The difference betweene 'lfilefneffe tofinne, and true mortification, in two things. I or 7. Not to judge ofthe meafure ofmortificationfimply by the fharpneffe and edge ofour affeelions againfifin, but byour inwardfirength againfl it. A difcovery how that edge ofaffetlion alai,fl fin may deceive us, and how ayoung Chriflian mayhave a quicker furring againflfn, then hehath leffeflrength. 102 The Tryall Of a Chrifians Growth. PART II I . Refolvingforce T) eeflions Mortification, about Growth in )Vivification. I. About Growth inMortification, two 9ueflions : . Whether every new degree ofMortification be alwayes univerfall, extending itfelfe to every fin. 104 Anfwer affirmative, and thatfor three reafons. 105 AnObjetlion anfwered. I c6 2..Q2eft. Whether in the endeavours ofa beleever to mortifie fume one parti- cular luf1, that luft becomes not more mortified then others. Anfivered. 107 24 About Growth inVivification; three jueflions : I. Wht; her every newdegree ofGrace runs through all thefaculties. AnfwereOffirmatively. 108 . Qaeli. Whether onegrace may not growmore thenanother. Anfweredby two Propoftions. ibid. 3. Queít. (Concerning the manner ofthis Growth) Whether it be a deeper radiating the famegrace in the heart, or by a new addition. Anfivered. 1c9 F .I N I S.